Chapter One - Waking up in your arms

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raison d'être

(n.) a reason for existing.


July 2011

The sun shined through the dark curtains as the young couple slept in each other's arms.  Two years had passed and it was now July 2011.  Evelyn and William had been together for four years now.  After they had let the world know they were together, it took a whilst at first, but people eventually got used to them being together.  Especially when they saw how serious the couple were about each other.

Evelyn scrunched her nose at the feeling of the softest plump lips she had come to love over the last four years.  They were so soft and light that it felt as though they were tickling her.  

"I know you're up," William murmured against her lips.  He continued peppering kisses moving down her jawline and her neck until she slowly opened her blue cerulean eyes.  "There's those beautiful eyes.  Hi gorgeous."

"Mmm," she stretched her body slightly as the sheets slid down showing part of her naked body. "Morning."

He pressed his lips to hers three times in short pecks that made her smile as he returned the smile back at Evelyn.  She ran her fingers through his short sandy blond hair as he enjoyed the feeling.  During their third year of dating, William and Evelyn had moved in with each other to a new place where he was able to have better security for the two of them.  After a horrendous event at her apartment during the first few weeks of the news getting out - a paparazzi had broken and entered her apartment.  Leaving Evelyn feeling unsafe and William left like he didn't have control over the situation.  

Evelyn's father, Peter, sued the paparazzi for breaking and entering on private poverty to a private citizen and had legal council advised from the Queen.  Though, the news would never hear that part of the story.  The Queen was very private in her affairs and that included her grandsons as well.  She loved Evelyn like her own and only wanted her safety.  Although, no one from the Royal family put out a public statement due from that event - she received the most outpouring love from his family and friends.  Telling her that the paparazzi guy was bloody daft was for breaking the law and Beatrice and Eugenie came over for a girls night.  She was quite sad about the whole thing as her parents wanted her to move out, she loved that apartment, but William agreed with her parents and she moved out.

Evelyn was forever grateful that William had such great family and friends.

"I know I have an engagement this afternoon, but I promise I will be there tonight to support you just as you have been there for me," William told her as he brought both of her hands up in his to his mouth and kissed them.

She was now twenty-seven, turning twenty-eight this year and had been working with her fashion line for over six years now.  They now sort of owned their own place and she could not be happier.  They say sort of because William had graduated from flying school and earned his RAF pilot wings, which they were both over the moon about.  She knew how much this meant to him.  

Unfortunately, that meant that they had to be away from each other for twelve months, due to his training.  Which they were almost done with but Evelyn missed him.  Once he was done, he would focus extensively on his military career whilst still focusing on his Royal engagements.  They were past the sixth month mark of his training and she was counting down the days until the days that they could be together again.

They had overcome so much to be where they are now.  From her freshly being out a relationship when they met again, to both being unsure of their feelings for the other for months, to finally admitting what they had always known from the start.  And most recently, the relentless paparazzi.

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