Chapter Twenty-One : She's a heartbreaker

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It was their fifth day in Zimbabwe and they had less than week left.  Evelyn was loving it here so far and wanted to explore everything.  So far, Chelsy had taken her to all of her favourite places.  Tonight though they were having a family and friends party at the Mangwanani restaurant which Dakarai owned.  

It was a beautiful restaurant with rich dark mahogany wood and they had an open area with vibrant green grass and a patio as well as fairy lights that were turned on during the night to give a cosy feeling.  It overlooked the beautiful ocean which Evelyn and Chelsy already swam and surfed in.  They saw sea turtles and took a boat tour out to see the dolphins.  She was able to snorkel with the sea turtles and thought it was the best holiday she had been on in a while.  Evelyn had also brought her under water camera along as well and was glad she had to document the trip.  

She was able to take a picture of a sea turtle that swam right up to her and she couldn't wait to get it printed and hang up in her apartment.  

Evelyn hadn't properly spoken to William since she landed in Zimbabwe as he wanted her to fully enjoy her holiday.  As she was applying her blusher to her cheeks for some colour - Chelsy popped her head in the bathroom.  

"Hey, you almost ready?"

"Yeah, just need to finish the other cheek then all set."

"Perfect," she squealed. 

Evelyn was wearing a white flowing dress that had spaghetti straps.  It was from one her favourite brands from needle and thread and she paired it with some flip flops and her blonde hair was in loose waves.  Chelsy was dressed in something similar wearing all white as well but instead chose to wear a white tank top and a flowing white skirt and put her blonde hair in a loose bun and wore bracelets on her wrist.  

"Okay all done," Evelyn announced as she walked out and met with Chelsy.

The two girls linked arms as they walked out and met Chelsy's family in the car.  Evelyn was loving Zimbabwe so far and couldn't believe that their holiday was coming to an end.  Evelyn let the cool Zimbabwean air flitter across her face as she looked out at the beautiful scenery.

Little kids were running around, chasing the other as Evelyn and Chelsy were laughing and chatting with Dakarai and his wife Aaliyah.  Their two children, two girls, Daliah and Imani.  Chelsy's family were talking to their friends as well.  Daliah was eleven and Imani - twelve.  Chelsy's brother unfortunately wasn't able to be here for when the girls were but Chelsy hoped that next time he could meet Eve.  

The clinking of the wine glass got everyone's attention as they stopped speaking and focused their attention on Dakarai as his wife stood next to him.

"I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight and meeting our dear friend, Evelyn Bennett.  It truly has been a pleasure spending time with you and any friend of Chelsy's is a friend of ours.  You are always welcome here.  As we say in our shona language: kusvikira tichisangana zvakare which means until we meet again," Evelyn put her hand to her heart touched by the kindness that Dakarai, Chelsy's family and everyone she had met had shown her.  Cheers everyone and enjoy the rest of the night," he finished his speech as he and the rest of the party drank their champagne.


"You should go," Harry told Evelyn over the mobile.  

He had known how close the two blondes were and he hated how things were ended between Harry and Chelsy.  Knowing that Evelyn felt as though she were playing tug-of-war with herself on who to choose, he would never forgive himself if she distanced herself from Chelsy.


"Listen to me, all right?"

She stayed silent as she listened to him talk.

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