Chapter Three - You look like you've been through heartbreak

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It was the morning after the day of her fashion show.  She could not believe how many well reviews she received for her Spring 2007 line.  It amazed her that people had been so warm about it.  Despite the heartache she was feeling and the unsureness of it all.

"You seem happier," Vivienne pointed out to her older sister as they both drank their coffee and tea.  Vivienne felt as though coffee was the cure for everything.

"I'm getting there," she replied with a small smile.  "Last night was just the best and Eric was able to be there along with Prince William."

"Really?  What was he like?  Was he as nice as he appears?"

"He was friendly and polite.  Nice," she said smiling coyly.

Vivienne has known her older sister long enough to know that was all she was going to say so she let it drop.  But she was insanely jealous of her that she met the Prince.  She knew that Eric was in the same unit as him but she had never met him.  

"All right.  Well, I'm glad last night went amazing for you, but now I must be off to school," she flipped her hair dramatically making the two laugh.

Vivienne was still in university.  Vivienne was a student at King's College London for midwifery. She was in her last semester of her final year.  Evelyn and Vivienne were very close especially seeing as they were the only sisters in the family.  They did a lot together along with their mum, Natasha.  Their mum held the house down as she was now a stay at home mum.  Vivienne wasn't able to attend last nights show as she had to study for an exam.  She felt awful for missing but thankfully Evelyn understood.  

Evelyn was meeting Eric for lunch at a little cafe down the street.  Evelyn wore some jeans and a floral blouse along with some heels as she gathered her things and left.  


"How have you been?" Eric asked his sister and Evelyn shrugged her shoulders.

"This is the best I've been since it happened."

He reached his hand over the table and squeezed her hand hoping it would reassure her that he was always there for her.  Out of all of the siblings that they had, Eric and Evelyn had a closer bond.  There was a five year age gap between her and her oldest brother, Jake.  She wasn't as close to him as she was with Eric and Vivienne but still got along with him.  Although, she loved her twin nephews - Samuel and David from Jake and his girlfriend Mia.  They were four now and he lived with his girlfriend who was an author for little children's books.

Eric let go of his sisters hand and started eating his lunch.

"I still can't believe he did that," he rephrased what he said.  "That they both did."

Because not only did Evelyn lose her fiancé that day, she also lost her best friend that she's had since they were in primary school.

"I can't either," she shook her head.  "And then he went on about this ridiculous lie that I was sleeping with Jake.  Where the bloody hell do they come up with that?"

"I think I know," Eric winced.

He pulled out his mobile and typed in the rumour that Evelyn was sleeping with Jake.  There were loads of articles that popped up.  He then opened one and handed his mobile to his sister as she read the article.  Her eyes focusing on certain topics in the article.

Sources claim they saw the young fashion designer leave with Jake Levingston, who comes from an aristocratic family.  Jake is Blair Taylor's ex-boyfriend and has known Evelyn Bennett since they were in primary school.

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