Chapter Six - The Avengers

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8 September 2011

Evelyn was now in Ohio.  She had packed two days before and had gotten everything ready for customs for when she had landed.  The night before, Evelyn and William stayed in their apartment and had a date night inside, ordering Greek food along with the baklava for dessert.  If she were being honest, Greek food was now her favourite as it came into a close second behind pizza.  

With their wedding being in two months - she was now on a healthy diet meaning no more pizza and no more sweets.  It wasn't that she was doing to lose anymore weight because her weight was good and in the healthy amount it should be, but she wanted to keep that weight.  Not gain anymore.

Her etiquette and self-defense classes were put on hold for the time being until she returned back to London.  It was mandatory and obligated that everyone who is in the Royal family or is joining the family takes self-defense classes in case of kidnap, terrorist attack, or God forbid they try to kill them.  Evelyn was always in shape, working out five days a week and playing sports.  But muscles she didn't even know she had were sore almost on a daily when she first started her self-defense class.

She made it to Ohio late last night as she didn't take her families private plane and took commercial instead.  She had left later at night, as the airport wasn't as busy.  When she arrived she made sure to send William a text letting him know she arrived.  She knew he wouldn't write her back then because of the time difference.

It was now late in the afternoon as she had slept the morning away and was now prepping her skin with her skincare items.  She always had dry skin and felt like she dried out even more with the aeroplanes.  Eve heard a knock on her door and went to answer it, hugging her good friend Tom as he was there.

"Thought you could use these as a pick me up," he handed her a Starbucks fruit blend cup and a salted caramel cream cold brew.  She had never tried the cold brew but she was in need of something that will help her wake her better.  Eve let out a happy sigh.

"Thank you Tom, you're the best," she gushed.

"Oof, long night?" He asked as they had walked through the hallways and made it to the elevator to go down to the lobby.

"I got in at one in the morning and didn't get here until almost two.  So I slept the whole morning.  But I'm better now."

"Good because since you get to come on set with me and meet at least some of the cast today and then we're all going out to dinner tonight you need all the energy you can get."

"Got that right," she agreed with him as she took a bite of a strawberry from her fruit blend cup.

He knew that she was trying to watch what she ate for her wedding and he was wanting to be mindful of that.  They got into his rental car and onto the way where his set was.

"I almost forgot that the American's drive on the opposite side of us," she joked as music was playing quietly from his phone that was hooked up to the rental car and Tom laughed.

"I know, it's been a while since you've been back in America, right?"

"Yeah, it has.  I've missed it though.  Did I tell you I'm going to New York after this?"

"For New York Fashion Week?" He asked as he turned left and she nodded her head.

"Yeah," she smiled.  "Eugenie and Vivienne are meeting me out there and we're staying at my house in the Hamptons."

"You all will have a great time," he told her.  "You'll have to take loads of pictures and send them to Shannon and I."

"I will," she promised him as he made another turn and was five minutes from set now.

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