Chapter Four - G.N.O. + meetings

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It was Friday which meant that their week had come to an end and their weekends were free.  Evelyn was in a meeting right now with her private secretary, Lara Clarke, as they went over her weekly schedule.  She had her planner in front of her along with a customised pen with her name on it that she held in her right hand.  

"On Monday you are meeting with Ivy at nine in the morning to go over the fashion show she is having this weekend for victims of the worst wildfires California has seen yet.  You will also be meeting with Petra at RSPCA Monday at two-thirty in the afternoon on Tuesday.  You also have the event with Heads Together on Tuesday and Harry's fiance, Meghan, will be joining you all as well," she paused as she looked at her boss who had an unreadable expression on her face.  "Is everything all right Your Royal Highness?  Evelyn?" She said again as all she got was silence.

William and Evelyn always had their weekly meetings together in Lara's office which was downstairs in Kensington Palace.  

"Yes," Evelyn cleared her throat as she was snapped out of her thought.  "Everything's fine."

"You sure?" Lara asked in concern and William looked at his wife in concern.

"Yes, please continue."

It wasn't really fine though.  This would be the first time the Cambridge's would be seeing Meghan since the disaster at the Bridal shop.  Evelyn had called Clare and set it up for Victoria to come in Wednesday that week for her fitting.  Alex was in primary school and William and Evelyn had dropped him off this morning.  He was going to the best private school near them that were very happy to have him.  He loved school and loved his friends as well.  Evelyn knew at some point they were going to have to tell him about his future but she tried putting it off for as long as possible.  She wanted him to stay innocent for as long as possible.  

"Right then," Lara continued as William ran his thumb back and forth on Evelyn's hand to help calm her down as he knew she was anxious about seeing Meghan again.  Here she preached about how important mental health was and yet she rarely had  enough time to practice it due to her busy schedule.  She needed to make an appointment with her therapist on how to better handle the situation with Meghan.  


Since they had come home from their weekend trip, they hadn't really had a chance to chat about what happened with Harry and Meghan.  Whilst the kids were still with nanny Sophia, Evelyn turned the pot on and made them some tea and sat down on their sofa to chat about what happened.  

"I think it's time we chat about what to do about Meghan," William told his wife.

"Unfortunately, I don't think there is much we can do, Wills.  It's not like we can take the kids out of the wedding."

"Why not?" He gave her a funny look.  "Alexander doesn't like her and she was absolutely horrid to Victoria."

"I know," she ran her hand up and down his arm.  "But you more than anyone know what a scene that will cause.  How that will not only make us look bad but the children as well."

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