Chapter Thirty-Three : Calm Before the Storm

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DECEMBER 31, 2008. . .


Recently, the young couple had began talking about their future the more serious they have become.

"D'you ever want to have kids someday?" Evelyn asked as William sat behind her and she sat in-between his legs in the clawfoot bathtub he had.  

"Only if it's with you," he wrapped his hands around her middle and placed a tender kiss to her should.  "And you?"

"Only if it's with you," she hummed enjoying this moment alone with him before they left at ten thirty to go to a rooftop party and meet up with all of their friends to celebrate the New Year.

Evelyn knew that she always wanted kids.  She just wasn't sure who the man she would have them with would be.  Somehow, some part of her, always knew that Liam wasn't the man she was supposed to end up with and be the father of her children.  She couldn't see him being a dad.  

She couldn't believe that she had ever said yes to marrying Liam.  Just thinking about it made her shudder from the horrible decision she would have made.  She couldn't believe how blinded she had been by him and why?  Sure he was good looking but his personality was quite daft.  After that she knew she couldn't marry him and if she did it would be pretty dodgy of her.

But William?  She could.  She saw how he was with her nephews and with all the children he would meet.  The stories he would tell his journey's in South Africa with the children there.  South Africa was one country she hadn't been to yet that she really wants to go.  She remembered her time in Africa with Chelsy and her family and how magical it all was.  

"Well, we'd have to get married first," he pointed out to the blonde.

"Obviously," she let out an unattractive snort making her boyfriend laugh at her as he shook his head with a smile.  "Wouldn't want to be the one with a scandal, would we?  Might give your Granny a heart attack."

He laughed at that.

"Not sure which one would react badly to that... Granny or Grandpa?"

"I don't know but I know one thing - I don't want to find out."

"Neither do I," he smirked.

He could just imagine the headlines now as he let out a laugh shaking his head.


It was six hours until the party as it was now four o'clock in the afternoon and the party didn't start until eleven o'clock.  For now they were just enjoying their time together.  They had decided to spend the day and night at Evelyn's place instead of William's.

Camilla and Charles were at an engagement earlier that day and would just now be arriving back home.  William thought he would leave them alone so that they could have some peace and quiet that night as he was going out with his girlfriend later anyway.  


Evelyn had thought about how much her life had changed within a year.  So much had happened.  She first thought about the bad.  How she lost a friend and a fiancé all in the same day.  She had thought about how there were signs from the start of their relationship that she just decided to ignore because she thought finally someone noticed her after so long of being single.  Evelyn had decided to put up with loads of things he had done and how he had treated her that she was starting to believe that was normal.

In a way, she had to be thankful to Liam and Blair for lying and deceiving her.  She hadn't been at the time but she had learned loads about not only herself but also how what she wanted.  Evelyn knew now that she deserved to be treated right and she shouldn't settle for less.  

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