Chapter Twenty-Three : Family Dinner

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December 1, 2007

William was back for a couple weeks and Evelyn couldn't have been more thrilled to have her boyfriend back.  She had missed him and wished that she could see him more often.  Evelyn was taking these couple of weeks off and spending them with him - wanting to spend as much time with him as possible.

Tonight William and Evelyn were having dinner with her family.

This wouldn't be the first time he would be meeting her family.  They had met each other at Will and Harry's mum's funeral concert and he had surprised her when he met up at her sisters graduation dinner.  Evelyn was dressed more casual tonight.  She wore a black sweater dress with stockings because it was chilly outside being the first of December and she paired it with booties.  Her blonde hair was down straight and she had on light makeup.  

Evelyn knew that her father was making her favourite dish - bangers and mash.  Her mum was making Shepherd's pie as well and for dessert she would be making bread and butter pudding.  She knew that Mia and Jake along with Samuel and David would be here as well as her other siblings.  Eric said he was bringing a girl home tonight and Evelyn was excited to meet her.  

William was wearing a blue button up shirt along with some pants and dress shoes instead of trainers.  His RPO's were no where in sight and Evelyn assumed they had the night off.  

"Hi there, stranger," Evelyn greeted him biting her lip slightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Am sorry but I have a girlfriend.  I don't flirt with strangers."

"Shut up," Evelyn laughs as she kisses him and his hands go down to the sides of her hips.  "You look very handsome tonight."

"I don't look handsome every night?" He asks in a teasing manor.

"You very much do," she told him as she ran her hands down his arms in a comforting way.  "Are your protection officers not with you tonight?"

"No," he shakes his head.  "They trust you and your family.  You were given the green light so to speak."

"So I get you all to myself?  No protection officers to worry about tonight?" She asks with a knowing gleam in her eyes.

"Absolutely none," he comments as he places another kiss to her lips not able to keep his lips or hands to himself.

"Okay handsy, we better leave before we get carried away."

He lets out a groan and shakes his head jokingly as they leave her apartment.

"Fine but after tonight's dinner - I'm having my way with you."

"I wouldn't dream of anything else."

Now, more than ever, she was looking forward to having tonight be done with already so that they could just stay in.  It got her excited and wanting more as they left.


"Are you nervous?" Evelyn asked rubbing his leg in comfort. 

"A little," he let out a shaky laugh.

"Don't be.  You have no reason to.  They know you and love you and how much happiness you bring me."

"Your right.  I'm being silly."

Evelyn let out a laugh before she leaned into him and kissed him one last time before they opened up the car door to walk inside.

"Do you know who Eric is bringing home tonight?" Evelyn asked her boyfriend as they held hands.

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