Chapter Twenty-Two : Christmas?

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"Hey Sammy, can you make sure I don't have anyone call me right now?  If they do please either handle them or have them leave a message."

"Sure," she nods her head at her desk as she looks up at me with her red hair in curls and glasses sitting on her face with a smile.  "How has it been with Will?"

"That's actually who I'm having a Skype meeting with right now," Evelyn says with a blush.  "It's been great though.  He's so easy to talk to and it just feels different than with Liam.  A good different."

"Well, if there is anyone who is deserving of love right now - it's you."

"Thanks Sammy.  I'll be in my office for possibly an hour, thirty minutes tops."

"Okay," she tells Eve in understanding.

Evelyn walks to her office door with the sound of her black Louis Vuitton heels hitting the floor as she opened and closed the door, sitting in her chair as she opened up her Skype app and waited for him to show up.  

Most places would say it was unprofessional to take a personal call or Skype during work.  At Evelyn's business these were her rules and she was okay with her employees needing to take emergency day off.  It was one of the perks of having her own business.  She also wanted her place to be a job her coworkers enjoyed coming to work at and didn't dread.

Minutes later - his name popped up and she clicked on it and finally saw his handsome face with his charming smile.

"Hi blue eyes," she smiled at him, happy to see him finally, even if it had been only a month since she had last seen him.

His laugh filled her ears as she took him in.  She noticed he was wearing his green military shirt he wears under his uniform.  

"Hi Stormy.  Nice outfit," he looks her over with what she was wearing for the day as he bites his lip.

"Thanks," she laughs.  "Is my work outfit turning you on?"

"Maybe. . .  What?  I can't help it that you look hot."

"Your incorrigible.  I miss you."

"I miss you too.  Anything new happen since I've been gone?"

"One thing.  Chelsy broke up with Harry.  For good this time."

"Bloody hell," he runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.  "He must be devastated.  How's he holding up?"

"Just like you said.  But he wanted me to still go to Chelsy' birthday and I did.  But I felt awful afterwards and I've decided to take some time away from her.  At least for a while."

"Sorry, what?  Why?"

"It's not fair to either.  Especially Harry.  I can tell it's hard on him and I know he didn't want me to choose sides and that's why he wanted me to go, but this is my decision.  It wouldn't really be fair on me either.  So to be fair to everyone, including myself, I'm distancing myself.  I've already talked to Harry and Chelsy about this."

"Sorry you lost a friend," Wills sympathizes with his girlfriend knowing that this was just as hard on her as Harry seeing she was really close to Chelsy.

"Yeah, me too.  Hey, I wanted to ask you something.  Are you doing for Christmas?  Or do you not get Christmas off?"

"I get Christmas off," he lets out a laugh.  "Every year for Christmas my family and I go to Sandringham House.  My granny likes to spend months there before Christmas but I only go for a couple weeks.  Are you doing anything?"

William had been meaning to have this conversation with Evelyn and was glad that she had brought it up.  He needed to tell her his plans as they didn't include her in them.  

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