Chapter 9: Ninja Roll

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"Your highness" Clouse follows behind Aria "everything has been set up.. will you be participating as well?"

"Perhaps I should" Aria puts her hands on her hips "I am a participant after all" she smirks "but i'm afraid the ninja would be at a disadvantage"

The two arrived at the roller rink and Clouse took his spot next to Master Chen as Aria stood off to the side.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?" Griffin questions

"You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator" Chen replies

Everyone but Jay and Kai chose to side with Chamille. Aria walks into the rink.

"What was that you said about us having targets on our backs?" Lloyd questions looking at the two ninja

"Don't worry, we're still a team—" Kai falls again "Ah!"

Jay sighs "I gotta be honest. This doesn't look good"

"wow this is quite the predicament you got" Aria chuckles and the ninja glare at her

"Will you be participating as well Dark Lord?" Master Chen asks

"Possibly" Aria replies looking at the two teams

"Yeah yeah just grab your helmet so we can start already" Jay crosses his arms annoyed

"I'd watch that tone if I were you ninja" Aria says as she skates over to him "or you might find yourself in a tight spot"

Jay gulps

"Alright" Aria looks at Chen "let's start this thing"

"Huh!?!" Everyone shouts surprised as Aria was holding a green helmet

"What?" Aria looks at them

"Y-you're siding with us?" Kai asks confused

"It wouldn't be any fun if you guys lost this easy" Aria shrugs

Chen chuckles "that little princess sure is interesting"

"What game are you playing?" Lloyd asks suspiciously

"The one that's about to start" Aria replies, like a smartass

Aria snaps her fingers and her outfit changes with dark power. Her dress changes into a normal black shirt with shorts. 

"Woah" Jay says impressed "I want to be able to do that"

"The perks of being another species" Aria gloats

"Another species?" Lloyd looks confused

"Yeah, hello my father's true form is a dragon remember" Aria says "meaning I'm also a dragon"

"Right right" Lloyd rubs the back of his head

On the stands Garmadon mumbles "She's actually a dragon Oni but the ninja will learn that another time"

Everyone takes their position.

"Lloyd, master of Power, versus Chamille, master of Form. Most laps with their Jadeblade when time runs out wins. Loser is out. Thunderbladers on your mark, get set, good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we all want the Green Ninja out. Now go!" Chen shouts and the two get a head start

"Hey princess don't you dare go messing up Lloyd!" Jay shouts at her

"Well I wasn't going to but now I think I will" Aria replies

"Jay!" Kai shouts "stop provoking her!"

"I'm sorry!" Jay whines

"Oh, how about some spectator ambience?" Chen presses a button to make the speakers cheer.

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