Chapter 57: Stop, Drop and Side Scroll

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The Red Visors are searching Terra Technica for Lloyd, Nya, and Jay. Lloyd signals them to move along, but stop when they look at a monitor showing Kai and Cole crashing during the Speedway Five-Billion race and turning into cubes.

"Our friends wouldn't want us to give up. We have to keep going" Lloyd says

Jay nods "We'll find a way. Somehow. We're going to find them, and bring them all back"

"You know you're all terrible at hiding"

"ah!" the ninja jump and turn to see Aria behind them

"please stop doing that" Lloyd says "it's creepy and scary"

"I'll stop the day you all stop being ninja" Aria walks ahead of them

"Come on, Kai and Cole are gone" Jay complains "don't you feel any sympathy for them?"

"Of course I pity my cousin and flamebrain" Aria turns to them "but standing around feeling sorry for them won't bring them back, in this game we don't know if those cubes are merely just their souls or something trapped.. or if they're really gone"

The 3 ninja look down solemnly.

"Stop that" Aria looks annoyed "it makes me sick"

"Their's nothing wrong with grief or sadness!" Nya shouts "you know sometimes we feel like we can be friends and other times we just can't stand you! Why are you so mean?!"

"I'm the Dark Lord" Aria sighs "I'm not supposed to be your friend, all this sappy sadness is sickening to me, they're gone.. deal with it"

"Aria" Lloyd says calmly "they're not dead, they can be brought back"

"well good for you" Aria turns around and begins walking "if you're heading to the last key-tana then follow me, it's in Terra Domina"

"alright, lead the way" Lloyd agrees

"Lloyd" Nya pulls him to the side with her and Jay

"Listen Lloyd, we're all for finding the last key-tana" Jay starts

"But not with her, we're reminded over and over by her that we're enemies" Nya explains "Cole's her cousin but she doesn't even feel sympathy that he's gone, instead she's shaming us for being sad!"

"Listen guys I know how you feel and you're right that we are technically enemies" Lloyd agrees "but I grew up with Aria, you have to understand that she lost her mother at a young age. Aria said everything that she did cause she can't bring her mother back.. unless she takes over Ninjago.. as ninja it's our job to prevent her from taking over. She can't bring her mother back, but we can bring back Cole and Kai, so that's why.."

"I think I understand" Nya put her hand on his shoulder "I guess she's right though, standing around feeling sorry for them won't bring them back"

"I get it, what she meant by that was by finding the key-tana we can bring them back" Jay clarifies "the way she says things is really harsh though"

"I know, but she was raised to be our greatest enemy" Lloyd says "it's not like we'd expect anything different"

"Are you guys coming or not?!" Aria shouts from down the alley

"We're coming" Lloyd runs over to her

"I kinda feel bad for Aria now" Jay admits

"Yeah.." Nya looks at him "you guys weren't there, but me and Kai have met Aria's mother before, when we went back in time. Aria's a spitting image of her."

"We should follow them" Jay says

Nya and Jay join the two. They walk in front of a red Arcade Pod with flames on its screen.

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