Chapter 28: Mistakes Were Made and the Truth Comes Out

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"I can't call him he'll tell uncle Lu, and I can't call him cause.. nobody wants to see a human Overlord.." Aria mumbles to herself

"Tick tock little girl" the commissioner says "who do you wanna call"

"...I can't change my hair back to silver in this form.." Aria sighs and leans against the metal bars of the holding cell  "but he's my last option.."

"times up, who do we call?" the commissioner asks

"...Lloyd Garmadon" Aria answers "as in the green ninja"

The commissioner looks confused before walking away.

"Well.. this will be a fun talk with my boyfriend" Aria sighs

Yes, Aria was in the Ninjago Police Station, in the holding cell waiting for someone to be able to pick her up. Aria was in the park when someone decided to try to rob her, in defense her elemental powers activated, so long story short a lot of unnecessary destruction occurred. 

Aria had her normal blonde hair and vengestone cuffs were put on her, unfortunately that meant anyone coming to bail her out would see normal Aria and not Overlord Aria. She didn't want to call Cole cause then she'd get in trouble with her Uncle Lu, who she actually likes.

She couldn't call her dad cause.. obvious reasons. Sure he wasn't in his Overlord form but the dude was still scary and gave off a dark aura. So she just chose to give in and had them call Lloyd, great now she'd have to explain to her boyfriend why and how she used dark elemental powers.

Aria tapped her cuffs against the metal bars as she waited for her boyfriend to arrive. Soon enough she heard his muffled voice down the hall. How would he react to learning she's the Overlord? Hopefully it wasn't the one future she saw in the maze of him stabbing her, she prefer it be the other one where he's protecting her from something.


Aria looks up from the ground at Lloyd, his shocked face was as expecting. When he got a call saying that they had the Overlord in custody for causing destruction with her powers but not hurting anybody and needed bail.. this wasn't exactly what he was expecting.

"Hey honey" Aria smiles "here to bail me out?"

"w-what?" Lloyd looks confused

"Yeah.. so I got some explaining to do" Aria says sheepishly

"mhm" Lloyd crosses his arms and looks at the commissioner "I'll take her, don't worry"


Aria and Lloyd sat in Aria's mansion facing each other.

"So.. you're the Overlord" Lloyd states "like silver hair Dark Lord Aria"

"...yes" Aria answers

"You change your hair color every time you go off to do evil stuff?" Lloyd questions

"mhm" Aria nods

"Ok" Lloyd shrugs and sits back

"...ok?" Aria looks confused

"Yep, ok" Lloyd nods "my girlfriend's the Overlord"

"...did i break you?" Aria asks

Lloyd chuckles "Honey I already had my suspicions. The katana left out in your apartment, suddenly being an heiress, having a lot of money.."

"So you knew?" Aria asks

"No, I didn't" Lloyd shakes his head "but I do now"

"...and.. that's it?" Aria questions

"yep that's it" Lloyd leans over and kisses her cheek

"so wait, you still love me?" Aria asks confused

"Of course" Lloyd says "Am I happy about you trying to kill my friends? Nope. But now I know the reason you sided with us during the Thunderblade match on Chen's island, you didn't want me to loose did you?"

"Maybe" Aria looks away embarrassed

"And the reason you helped destroy Morro and the Preeminent" Lloyd smirks "again, to save me"

"shush" Aria sticks her tongue out at him

Lloyd chuckles "you're a selfish Overlord aren't you? You're supposed to my enemy"

"I am" Aria crosses her arms "If I take over Ninjago everything will belong to me, including you"

"i do belong to you dummy" Lloyd pinches her nose

"Nu" Aria takes his hand off her nose "don't do that"

"but It's funny" Lloyd laughs

"Well at least I don't have to keep turning my hair silver anymore" Aria sighs

"what about the other ninja?" Lloyd asks

"well Cole's my cousin so he already knows.. and he told the other ninja already" Aria replies

"I'm the only one that didn't know" Lloyd sweat drops

"Yes, but it's ok" Aria moves and sits on his lap "you know now, but I won't take it easy on you in battles"

"duh" Lloyd smirks "it wouldn't be any fun then"

"hehe" Aria hugs him "may the best win Ninjago"

"You're on" Lloyd agrees hugging her close "but I'm gonna win, and then you're gonna have to live with me forever"

"no way I'm gonna win" Aria argues "and then you'll have to live with me forever"

Lloyd laughs before flipping her over and pins her down on the couch.

"Ha, first battle is my win" Lloyd teases

"ahhh nuuuu" Aria laughs and tries to get out of his grasp

"nope" Lloyd lays down and hugs her tight "I win"

"ok ok" Aria smiles "you win this round greenie" she hugs him back "but I'll win next time"

Lloyd rolls his eyes and kisses her forehead "yeah right, in your dreams princess"

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