Chapter 46: Iron and Stone

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The Resistance drives up to the Garbage Depot.

"What is this place?" Lloyd asks

"I call it, the rest of the Resistance" Skylor replies

They all get out of the truck.

Tox looks at Dareth "Just what are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Dareth, master of, uh...uh, Brown" he replies

"Brown?" Tox questions

"You'll witness my power" Dareth replies

Skylor groans.

"So, you Elemental Masters call this dump your home?" Dareth questions

"Nu-uh. Not dump. Depot" Karlof replies

"We've found it to be a perfect cover. It allows us to go wherever we want in the city while keeping an eye on things" Skylor explains

Lloyd smiles "Thank you, Skylor. You saved us, but—But how did you know where to find us? How did you know we were in trouble?"

"A little birdie told me" Skylor replies

Mistaké reveals herself "Hello again, young Garmadon"

"Mistaké?" Misako questions

"What are you doing here?" Nya asks

"I'm sure you have many questions about where your friends are. And I have answers" Mistaké replies then walks over to Aria "but first I believe the young Lord is having some problems with her powers"

"Oh you mean the whole, could be sucked out by Garmadon thing? Yeah" Aria crosses her arms

"Can you help her?" Lloyd asks

"of course" Mistaké tells him

"So how do I prevent my powers from getting sucked out by Garmadon?" Aria questions

"By getting rid of you fear" Mistaké replies "they say that those who don't face their past are doomed to repeat it"

"I'm not scared of my past" Aria says

"Perhaps, but we shall see" Mistaké walks into the hideout

The elemental masters all stand around as Mistaké prepares tea for Aria to drink.

"What about your past are you afraid of?" Lloyd asks

"I don't know" Aria looks away "I don't even remember most of my past"

Lloyd looks at her "You don't-"

"It is done" Mistaké walks over with the tea "Drink up young Lord"

Aria takes the tea and drinks it, she soon closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

"Is this what's supposed to happen?" Lloyd asks worried

"Yes" Mistaké answers "she will remain asleep until she faces her past, and remembers"

"Remembers what?" Lloyd asks

Mistaké looks at him "You"



Everyone laughs.

"Ants!" Lloyd shouts running around

Aria covers her mouth as she laughs hardly with Brad. When everyone was getting ready for bed Lloyd had laid down to find fire ants in his bed waiting for him. He was getting bit pretty bad before he started running around.

"Lloyd calm down" Aria finally walks over to him "come on"

"It itches so bad" Lloyd whines

"I know I know" Aria holds in a laugh

Aria and Lloyd sat in the bathroom, Lloyd was itching the ant bites while Aria was filling the bath with hot water.

"Stop scratching" Aria hit his hand

"but it itches" Lloyd argues

"I don't care" Aria looks back at the bath

Brad walks into the bathroom.

"I can't believe you put fire ants in my bed" Lloyd glares at him

"Oh come on, it was funny" Brad says

"Yeah for us" Aria giggles

"It was not" Lloyd crosses his arms

"I did it to show you how it's like around here" Brad tells him "kids messing with each other is normal and if you're weak everyone will keep picking on you"

"First day I came here the boys picked on me all the time" Aria says turning off the water

Lloyd, still in his clothes, sits in the bath. The warm water helped sooth his itches.

"But she's scary, she put everyone in their place almost immediately" Brad shivers remembering

"Yeah that sounds like my Aria" Lloyd says before scratching his head "I feel like their's ants in my hair"

Aria hands him shampoo "then wash it"

Lloyd takes the shampoo and starts washing his hair. Brad covered his mouth and Aria hid a laugh as green suds formed in his hair, not normal shampoo.

"What?" Lloyd asks

"nothing nothing" Brad shakes his head

Lloyd shrugs and washes his hair, after he gets out Aria helps dry his hair. Brad was trying not to laugh the entire time.

"Seriously what?" Lloyd asks

Brad just started laughing and pointed to the mirror. Aria turns around and whistles as Lloyd looks into the mirror, his once blonde hair was not green.

"Ahhhhhh!" Lloyd shouts and looks at the two "Aria!"

"How'd you know it was me?" Aria laughs

"Oh come on" Lloyd whines "It'll take months for this to go away"

"hahaha" Aria laughs before ruffling his hair "sorry greenie"

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