Chapter 39: Game of Masks

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Aria stood in front of her troops giving instructions "and then-"

"Princess Aria" Hanabusa appears beside her

"what?" Aria turns to him

"I apologize for interrupting, but the ninja went missing" Hanabusa reports

Aria's eyes widened and she looked at the troops "Everyone's dismissed, Kaname will lead you into further details later"

Aria walks out of the room with Hanabusa following.

"What are you going to do princess?" Hanabusa asks

"Find them" Aria replies going into her room

"Find them?" Hanabusa questions surprised "but my lady we're in the middle of preparations"

"And we can't act until the princess is dead anyway" Aria tells him "so off I go"

Aria grabs a couple things and leaves her room with Hanabusa following. She heads up to the tower.

"princess I beg you to rethink this" Hanabusa says "I don't think now is the right time to act while we are not prepared"

"Well speed things up then" Aria orders "where were they last scene?"

"Near Primeval's Eye" Hanabusa replies

"Primeval's Eye!" Aria shouts "that's way too close to our borders, no wonder they got lost"

"Princess Kaname's going to yell at me for letting you go again" Hanabusa whines "you're always getting me in trouble"

"Heh and here you are" Aria laughs "you're still my personal attendant so quite complaining"

"You ran off a lot when you were younger too" Hanabusa complains

"then you should be used to it" Aria replies as she walks outside


Aria turns into a dragon and flies off.

"Oh not again" Hanabusa whines


As Aria flies along the forest she lands in front of a temple where she sensed Lloyd's green energy.

"found you" Aria says as she turns back into her human form "and apparently" she feels the power of the Oni mask "you found it"

She heads inside the Oni Temple and jump on pillars before making it to the other side. She entered the end of the cave that had a narrow path leading to a circular platform with a box containing the mask, at which Lloyd and Harumi stood in front of.

Harumi gasps "The Mask of Hatred" She strides over to the mask tries to grab it but fails "Only someone with Oni blood can take the mask"

Lloyd tries to pull it out but it doesn't come out.

"What?" Harumi says confused

"It moves for me but it won't come out" Lloyd tells her

"That's because you're not a real Oni greenie" Aria says walking in

"You- you're here" Lloyd turns toward her

"Of course" Aria taps her nose "I heard you went missing and went out to find you, their's nothing my dragon sense can't find"

"That's a bit creepy but reassuring that someone can find us nonetheless" Lloyd admits

"So like I was saying" Aria walks up to them "Lloydie you can't pull out the mask, cause you're not a pureblooded oni"

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