Chapter 13: The Corridor of Elders

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Aria sat in her castle staring out the window at the village, watching the villagers go around peacefully getting work done.

"Princess" their was a knock at her door

"yes Kaname" Aria looks at the door

The door opens and in walks the leader of her private guards, Kaname.

"A letter has arrived for you" he bows and hands it to her

"thank you" Aria takes the letter

Dark Lord,

The invasion of Ninjago is going well, we have taken several villages. We suspect the elemental masters will be waiting at the Corridor of Elders and request your help. We will arrive within hours.

-Master Chen

"It seems I am needed again" Aria stands up "this idiot master thinks the ninja will be a problem.. we shall see about that"

"Princess, do you want us to come with you?" Kaname asks

"No need, stay here and watch over the kingdom" Aria puts on her shoes "i'll be back"


Aria walks next to Chen as the army of fake Anacondrai make their way to the Corridor of Elders. In the distance she could see the Elemental masters with the ninja in front of them, behind them stood civilians as well.

"Those idiots" Aria sighs "when will they give up"

Lloyd makes a line in the sand with his energy.

"The Ninja" Chen says angrily "Charge!"

The Cultists that charge first fall through a hole.

"Trapdoor? That's my signature move. Ugh, destroy them!" Chen shouts

Zane covers the hole with Ice, the Ninja and their allies hold the cultists back. In the sky, Nya, Misako, Wu, and Garmadon fly Destiny's Bounty 2.0, using it to destroy the cultists' vehicles. However, Chen uses the Roto Jet to blast apart the Corridor's walls, allowing his army to start passing through.

"We have to stop them!" Lloyd shouts

"We don't have enough people!" Kai shouts

"We can't hold them all!" Cole shouts

"I think we have a bigger problem!" Jay points ahead

The ninja all look to see Aria jumping down from the jet, her eyes glow purple and she cracks her knuckles.

"Oh yeah that's a big problem" Kai agrees

Aria hits Turner in the chest and black ice surrounds his body, freezing him in place. The ninja gasp and Kai quickly runs off to help him. Aria blasts purple fire in his direction and he dodges.

"Heh, you sure are strong princess, i'll give you that" Kai stands in a face off with her

"aw thanks" Aria smirks "you flatter me"

The two begin having a fire battle, Aria did not use anything other then purple fire. Everyone stayed away from that area, after all fire was a dangerous element. Kai flips back and sends a burst of fire at Aria's feet, she jumps up to dodge it but ends up getting hit slightly, nothing that bad.

"I see even ninja use tricks" Aria taunts

"I'm fighting against the Lord of Darkness, their's no way I can hold back" Kai replies

The two lit their fists and goes to punch each other, the fire blasts collide and an explosion of fire is created knocking the two back onto the ground. The two groan and hold their heads in pain. Aria looks up to the Bounty to see a flash of light.

As the flash of light subsides, those on the battlefield noticed this and momentarily stop fighting. Everyone is then shocked to see the spirits of Arcturus and his generals arrive at the battle; they condemn Chen's followers to the Cursed Realm.

"Arcturus! What are you doing? W-we're on the same team!" Chen shouts

"You will never be one of us. Because you are a liar, a cheat, and an imposter!" Arcturus replies

"I can't be cursed! Aah! Save me, Skylor!" Chen shouts as Skylor, now a human again, watches him go in the portal. 

Everyone cheers as Aria sits on the ground watching as the portal closes, thankfully she wasn't a snake or she'd be cursed as well. She sighs in defeat before someone picks her up.

"Ah!" she shouts

"You've caused a lot of trouble missy" Cole says as he looks at her in disproval

"It's my job" Aria replies as her eyes glow once again

"hey hey calm down" Cole puts her down "get going before they notice you"

"...what?" Aria looks confused

"You heard me get going" Cole gestures to Kai who wasn't paying attention "now"

"hmph, this loss means nothing cousin, I will defeat you" Aria turns and runs off

Cole sighs "I'm too nice to that girl"

"Hey where'd she go?!" Kai looks around

"What?" Lloyd asks

"Aria, she's gone" Kai says

"Looks like she got away" Cole walks over "I'm sure it won't be the last we see of her"

Lloyd sighs "that's what i'm afraid of"

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