Chapter 43: Uncovering History Part 3

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I love how currently Lloyd's like dying.. but Aria and the Overlord are just over here reliving the past XD



"Aria honey wave up!"

Aria opens her eyes to see herself in her bedroom at the castle. Around her was Layla, Hanabusa, Wu, and Garmadon.

"Mommy, Sensei Garmadon, Sensei Wu" Aria sits up in bed "their was a giant snake and it-"

"We know" Garmadon lays her back down "don't worry everything is fine"

"The Serpentine war is over honey" Layla kisses her forehead "all the bad snakes are sealed away"

"Where they hopefully will remain" Wu adds "and you are safe"

"Was I kidnapped?" Aria asks

"Yes sweetie but don't worry, mommy beat those mean snakes up for you" Layla hugs her

"Layla be careful you're gonna squish her" Wu warns

"Take it easy" Garmadon says

Layla pouts "nooooo I wanna hug my baby"

"Mommyyyyy" Aria whines

The two brothers laugh, they were glad their pupil was safe.


8 year old Aria sat in her throne eating a lollypop and reading a book as her father Svern attended to people's hearings.

"But Overlord" the werewolf pleaded "if something isn't done about the dam soon it could burst and flood the village"

"I'm sorry" Svern sighs "their's not much we can do about that old dam, we don't have the resources to repair it, Ninjago might have the supplies but we cannot cross the barrier, we're banished to the shadowlands"

"Then don't fix it" Aria speaks from her throne

"but Princess" the werewolf looks at her sadly

Aria takes her lollypop out of her mouth "dig a large trench and destroy the dam, make it a giant lake or something"


Aria looks over at the two who were staring at her.

"What?" Aria questions

Svern smiles and looks at the werewolf "Well you heard your princess, dig a lake"

"Yes thank you" the werewolf bows to them before running off

"Good job Aria" Svern hugs her "you're such a good girl, that's my successor for the world"

"ahhh dadddd" Aria whines

"I'm so proud of you" Svern gushes

"Come on dad, what happened to the great and powerful Overlord" Aria complains "when did he become a doting father?!"

"When he had an adorable little daughter instead of a son" Svern replies before sitting back on his throne

Layla walks into the throne room with two unidentifiable items "I got them"

"You did" Svern gets up and walks over to her "wow, they look amazing"

Aria curiously puts down her book and walks over.

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