Chapter 14: Peace Before the Storm

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Aria is awoken from her sleep by the sound of her door opening. She whines and turns over.

"Hanabusa I'm tired, let me sleep" she mutters

"Sorry to disappoint you child, but i'm not your guard"

Aria's eyes widen and she sits up, there stood her father in his human form.

Aria's eyes widen and she sits up, there stood her father in his human form

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"d-daddy!" she shouts surprised

"Did you forget we have second lives?" the overlord asks "we turn into boring humans but I suppose it's better then nothing"

"Dad!" Aria jumps out of bed, runs over and hugs him

"Now princess, if i was dead would I still have been able to talk to you in your mind?" the Overlord questions looking down at her

"...damn it dad don't scare me!" Aria slaps him "where have you been!"

"Well I survived the final battle and ended up digital.. but anyway I finally died and I'm human now" he sighs "it sucks"

"hahaha" Aria laughs

"you disrespectful daughter" the Overlord looks at her annoyed "what are you doing slacking off" he flicks her forehead "you should be taking over Ninjago"

"hey" Aria whines "I'm working on it"

"mhm" he crosses his arms "you're dating the green ninja"

"shush" Aria walks over to her dresser and brushes her hair

"Did you really fall in love with him?" the Overlord asks looking threatening

"o-of course not daddy" Aria stutters facing him "it's.. part of the plan!"

"hm?" the Overlord looks interested before laughing "how clever of my little girl, the best way to bring him down is to hit him where it hurts.. in the heart!"

Aria laughs "of course, daddy how could you think I fell in love with that guy" she tightens her hold on her brush "it's only a matter of time, i'll make him so in love with me that he'll completely break"

"that's my girl" the Overlord ruffles her hair "now all that's left is for you to unlock your true potential, then you'll be unstoppable"

Aria sits on her chair "and just how am I supposed to do that?"

"Well.. it's different for everyone" the Overlord smiles "you'll get it eventually"

"thanks dad" Aria smiles slightly

"Alright, i'm off to do king stuff, you be evil princess" the Overlord walks out

Once the door closes Aria sighs and looks at herself in the mirror.

"evil plan my ass" Aria looks at a picture she has of her and Lloyd "..what am I supposed to do?"

Beep Beep

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