Chapter 73: Things Are Different Now

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The ninja stand on top of Borg tower at fight-fall looking down at the city.

"I can't believe Aria has us on night patrol" Jay complains "I mean we're against this whole curfew thing to begin with"

"Yeah and we're not nocturnal" Cole agrees "we're out all night then by the time we get home we pass out asleep"

"And that's what she wants" Lloyd says "if we're all asleep during the day then their's no one to meddle in whatever she's planning"

"If I have my facts right, Aria hasn't been taking any audiences from people in the past week" Zane informs them "she is most likely working on something and refuses to let up these new policies"

"Heh, she even assigned people their jobs" Kai crosses his arms "I mean, she's literally acting like a dictator"

"But since she's the Empress she's not doing anything illegal" Zane says "meaning we can't stop this, the city isn't in danger and for the most part people have been getting jobs they are good at, the city has been in perfect economic growth"

"I hate to admit it but Zane's right" Lloyd sighs "If only their was something that warrants us to take her off the throne, I want the old Aria back, the one that would try to meddle in our plans all the time and we'd beat the bad guy.. or she'd help defeat him cause she wouldn't let him take over Ninjago"

"And when she was your girlfriend" Jay mutters

"Yeah" Lloyd replies without thinking then quickly turns to him "what- no, that's not what i meant at all"

"Come on dude, we all know that you miss her" Kai pats his shoulder "back when you had no idea she was the Overlord's daughter you were completely in love with her"

"yeah but.." Lloyd looks down "things are different now"


Aria laid in bed staring up at the ceiling when Hanabusa walked in.

"Lord Aria, can you not sleep?" Hanabusa asks

"" Aria looks over at him "just thinking"

"About?" Hanabusa stands next to her bed

"Everything.. about what my life's been" Aria replies "I've worked so hard to be where I am right now, and I'm so close to my goal that I just want to begin already, but their's something that's holding me back"

"It's fighting the green ninja right?" Hanabusa questions "the fight itself you're confident that you can win, but a part of you still belongs to him"

Aria turns over to face him "yeah.. I wonder what would be happening right now, if he never found out I was the Overlord's daughter. Even so, I know what I want to do, so if it means fighting him.. I'll will"

"Your highness, tomorrow is a big day, you should get your rest" Hanabusa smiles

"right.." Aria sighs and looks back up at the ceiling

"You still love him don't you?" Hanabusa looks at her again "even though you don't want to"

"Yeah, I do" Aria closes her eyes "but things are different now"


Aria stood in the main room of the castle speaking with her guards when Lloyd came in through the doors. They turned to face him.

"What are you doing here Lloyd?" Aria asks

"I want to talk to you" Lloyd says

The guards all glare at him as he reaches them.

"Alone" Lloyd glances at the guards

Aria turns to them "go ahead, carry out your orders"

The guards all bow and leave, but not before giving Lloyd a warning glare with a glow of their red eyes.

"Aria, I don't know what you're planning" Lloyd begins "but whatever it is.. please don't do it"

"you're here to ask me not to take over Ninjago?" Aria questions "a little too late for that"

"their's a difference between ruling Ninjago and taking over it" Lloyd says "right now you're ruling it, but now you're starting to take over it, by fear and power"

"So what" Aria crosses her arms "I'm the Dark Lord, it's my job to create darkness, and this city has been in the light for too long" she turns to walk away

"Aria" Lloyd grabs her hand "please don't, once you do their's no going back.. and I can't.."

"I know Lloyd" Aria looks at him "but understand these are the different paths we take, one of light and one of darkness, and I'm not doing it just because I'm the Overlord's daughter. I'm doing it because I want to, because I have a vision for this world"

Lloyd looks down "but-"

"Go home Lloyd" Aria pulls her hand away from him and begins to walk away

"Was any of it real before!" Lloyd shouts looking up at her "when we were together, it seemed real.. but was it?"

"Of course it was real" Aria faces him with tears in her eyes "but things are different now... go home"

Aria leaves the room and Lloyd turns to leave.

"You all should prepare" Hanabusa tells him "her highness would be more upset if you died in the fight"

"yeah, thanks" Lloyd nods then leaves

Lloyd walked through the city watching everyone going about their day like it was normal for them. They all seemed happy, but he knew that would change soon.

Lloyd looks up at the sky "I wish I never knew she was the overlord's daughter.. then things would be different"

Ninjago: the Daughter of the OverlordOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora