Chapter 68: Svern the Remembered

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Aria ran into the castle happily.

"I'm back!" Aria shouts

She stops when she sees all her Vampire Knights gathered in the main hall with sad looks on their faces. They all turn to her and look sympathetic.

"What?" Aria asks turning glum "what's wrong?"

"the Overlord" Hanabusa walks toward her "..he's.." he stops and looks away

Aria turns and runs down the hall. Hanabusa and Kaname follow her to her dad's room where the Overlord laid in bed, he was turning into gold particles.

"Daddy!" Aria runs to him

"Aria" he turns and looks at her weakly "you're back" he reaches out and puts his hand on her cheek "Did you get the skull?"

"Yeah" Aria puts her hand on top of his hand "I got it"

"That's my girl" he smiles lightly

A tear runs down Aria's face and onto his hand. He wipes it away.

"hey, don't cry" he says

"Lord Svern" Kaname speaks "should we-"

"Not yet" Svern replies "tell her after"

"Tell me what?!" Aria shouts as she begins to cry "After what?! You're not dying daddy!"

"It's too late for me princess" Svern pats her head "he knew.. somehow he knew"

"Who knew?!" Aria asks

"Princess, don't forget that I love you very much" Svern pulls her into a hug "don't stray from your path, don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want"

"Daddy" Aria hugs him tightly "don't go"

"Aria no matter where I am" Svern closes his eyes and hugs her tighter as a tear falls down his face "I will never be far from you"

With that he disappears completely into gold particles and floats away. Aria drops to her knees and cries her eyes out holding the bed sheets tightly.

"Come back!" Aria shouts into the bed "please.. I need you.."

Kaname and Hanabusa bow their heads in respect, at the loss of their former King.

"Lord Aria" Hanabusa approaches her "I know this is hard.. but you must've noticed it too.."

"The gold particles" Aria wipes her eyes as she stood up "this was the work of a golden master.. and their's only one"

Kaname walks over and hands her the gold medallion that she used to find the dark island, that she got from the ninja years ago.

"We didn't think to tell you.. that Lloyd was here before you set off on your journey" Hanabusa reports "he asked to see the medallion but he didn't take it, we thought nothing of it"

"Lloyd no longer has his golden powers though" Aria says

Skull of Hazza D'ur: even so they are his to command

"Skully?" Aria takes him out "what do you know about this?"

Skull of Hazza D'ur: the golden power can be harnessed around him to give power to items, like with the golden weapons, they were created from the golden power. Even if he physically can't change gold or summon the dragon, he can still create weapons.

"When he left he looked disappointed" Kaname pointed out

"..I'm going to get to the bottom of this" Aria turns to them "bring me Lloyd, now"

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