Chapter 54: Superstar Rockin' Jay

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I forgot to mention in the other chapter but the events of Aspheera has already passed. Aria just didn't get involved in that, so it didn't have any chapters.


"Another side quest really?" Jay asks

"Come on, side quests are the best" Aria says

"But what about the main quest?" Jay questions

"We'll get to that" Aria turns around "but side quests are the key to maxing out stats"

Jay sighs "whatever you say, but look around us, I got a fanbase already"

"That's thanks to our superior knowledge of games" Aria hits him on the head "don't let it go to your head"

"But their's tons of Jay look alikes around here" Jay says excitingly "I don't know about you, but maybe we should take a break and appreciate all the awesome stuff in this game"

"Jay I got that this is fun, but remember this is a SAO situation" Aria tells him "we're all trapped here and we don't know what happens when someone in this game dies, for all we know they could be dead in the real world"

"why are you always such a downer" Jay sulks "we've been having fun for once instead of at each others throats fighting about Ninjago"

"hm" Aria looks at him "don't tell me you ninja don't actually enjoy fighting me?"

"well I don't know about the others but you're incredibly strong so the thought of facing you in a fight scares me" Jay admits "I'd rather you have became a ninja instead of the Overlord, it'd be fun to hang out with you then"

"Unfortunately fate didn't decide that" Aria sighs "but that aside, for now I think we should split up, you can enjoy your time in the game and I'll go do side quests"

"You'll be back though right?" Jay asks

"Well duh" Aria replies "I'm gonna need somewhere to rest, and their's nowhere better then The League Of Jay's"

"hehe" Jay laughs

The two high-five "see ya!"


Aria yawned as the EXP was added to her level which shot her up another 10. Her game stats turned gold and now read max.

"huh, so level 100 is maxed out" Aria says "how long have I been grinding?"

Aria looks around at the creatures that she defeated turning into particles. She shrugs and starts walking back to the main city. Soon after arriving she heads to the place she likes to rest at. The League Of Jay's.

"Jay!" Aria shouts entering the underground room "you in here?"

Jay looked at her "oh hey welcome back Aria"

"Pft" Aria hid a laugh "what's with the new outfit"

"What's wrong with it?" Jay asks "I'm, Superstar Rockin' Jay"

Aria rolls her eyes "yeah yeah, I'm heading up for a drink"

"I'll be there soon" Jay says "I gotta greet my followers after all"

Aria laughs before heading up to where all the Jay followers were, she grabbed a drink and sat down on a couch.

Jaywalkin 238 walked on stage "Attention, League of Jay!" No one pays attention and he turns up his volume. It echoes across the room "Attention League of Jay! It is time... for the arrival of our hero. Our inspiration... the reason for our very existence! Superstar Rockin' Jay... himself!"

Jay rises to the stage from below, strumming a guitar. Jay hands over his guitar to Jaywalkin 238.

"Aww" Jay chuckles, waving

"Such a weirdo" Aria sighs

She hears Jay gasp "Guys? Is that really you?!"

Aria looks up to see Jay run over and hug the ninja. 

"Wow, I've been waiting for you. Is this place awesome, or what?!" Jay shouts excitingly

Aria chokes on her drink and spits it out coughing.

"what the hell" Aria sits back with her arms crossed "now the game's ruined"

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