Chapter 22: Infamous

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Inside a dark chamber with a lamp in the middle, the Ninja clash with several hostile Skulkin.

Jay whips out nunchucks, fighting the skeleton who is dodging his attacks. Jay knocks the skeleton away and four more skeletons drop from the ceiling.

"Ninja, go!" Kai shouts

Kai does Spinjitzu, defeating the skeletons. A skeleton is knocked down a ramp, under it is Zane stretching his arms. Skeletons sprint down the hall and Cole ghostly emerges from the wall so the skeletons run back only to find a punch from Zane crashing through a barrier of ice.

Kai and Jay come sliding down the ramp with excitement and all four ninja line up together facing the screen. Cole comes forward and pounds the floor tripping the skeletons into the wall. The ninja go into fighting stances. Samukai crashes through the wall and charges at them. A green light appears and the Green Ninja emerges. He lands and punches Samukai with green Energy.

"Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?" Kai asks

"I sure do, Kai! But I don't know what is says. Can anyone help me read it?" Lloyd questions

"We can! Because reading is the first step to every adventure. Go, reading, go!" All the ninja shout

"And... Cut! Brilliance plus perfection! Clean up, little fellas and make some headway here. That's a wrap!" Dareth says

Revealing the place to be a set and the Skulkin to be actors in costumes. Nya, arriving, is left confused on the sudden end of the movie.

"A wrap? I just got here. Dareth said—"

Dareth cut her off "Hey, hey! There's my boys! I knew you could Spinjitzu but that acting knocked me out" he then noticed Nya "Oh, hey, sweetheart. Mind sticking around for a segment to teach girls how to apply makeup?"

Nya looked to the back corner, angered "You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face!" She walks over to punch Dareth but Jay holds her back.

The ninja hear laughing and look over to see Aria, with her blonde hair of course.

"hey what are-"

Cole covers Kai's mouth and whispers "you're not blowing this for Lloyd, shut up and remember, we.don't.know.her"

Kai nods and Cole uncovers his mouth as Lloyd walks over to Aria.

"Hey" Lloyd kisses her cheek before turning to the ninja "guys this is my girlfriend, the one I've been telling you about, she has the same name as Cole's cousin but she's really sweet"

"Hello" Aria greets sweetly "It's nice to meet you all"

The ninja gather around.

"It's nice to meet you as well" Zane replies "Lloyd has mentioned having a girlfriend and it's nice to be able to meet you"

"So.. did you see that entire performance?" Lloyd asks embarrassed

"mhm" Aria nods happily "you looked so cool"

Lloyd sweat drops "of course you'd think so"

"No matter what honey you're always the best" Aria says hugging his arm

"The kid sure can switch personalities" Kai mutters

"I thought Lloyd was delusional" Jay shrugs "thinking he had a girlfriend"

Lloyd stares at him annoyed

"Anyway Dareth, Nya is one of us now, there's no reason she should be treated differently." Jay says turning to Dareth

"No Reason? You added a girl to the group. You know how much that hurts your image? You're a boy band, a hunk machine! " Dareth replies

"what's wrong with girls?" Aria questions confused

"Nothing dear" Lloyd replies "Our power comes from no one being more important than the other"

"Important? No. Irresistible... uh, debatable" Kai says then winks at fangirls in the doorway

Girls scream and try to run to him, but guards stop them.

"Hot headed playboy" Aria mutters for Kai to hear

"Selfish brat" Kai mutters back to her

"hm?" Lloyd looks down at Aria

Aria smiles happily and hugs his arm a bit tighter while Kai looks irritated.

"I don't tell you how to do your business, don't tell me how to do mine. Remember how every time you save no one cared? Well now Dareth's in charge and Dareth says don't change the recipe. You boys are the face of the franchise, and now the face of teen idol!" Dareth whips out a magazine

The magazine has a big image of Lloyd on it, in the corner has Jay and Cole on each side of a heart with Nya in it. Aria sticks her tongue out at it and moves closer into Lloyd. Lloyd chuckles and pulls his arm out of her hold, placing it around her waist instead.

With his other hand, Lloyd takes the magazine and reads the title "Sensei Lloyd" Lloyd looks confused "but I'm only a Sensei-in-training"

"And what's this about me and Jay still fighting over Nya? That's old news." Cole says

"Who cares if it's real or not? Isn't this what you've always dreamed of? You're the hottest thing in Ninjago!" Dareth argues happily

"Lloydie lets go" Aria whines looking up at him "we're gonna be late"

"alright alright" Lloyd chuckles before turning to the others "sorry guys I'm heading out now, I promised the little one we'd go on a date today"

"who are you calling little one?!" Aria shouts pouting

"You cutie" Lloyd pinches her nose

"Ahhhhhh" Aria complains

"Alright love birds get out of here" Jay pushes Lloyd and smiles "have fun"

"not too much fun" Cole adds

"yeah thanks guys" Lloyd chuckles and waves to them "see ya"

The two walk off

"Annoying pipsqueak" Kai mutters as they pass him

"Lame bomb sniffer" Aria mutters back

The two stick their tongues out each other briefly before going back to what they were doing like nothing happened. Lloyd and Aria playfully bicker as they walk out of the set.


The next day Aria, in her dragon form, flew across Ninjago towards her location remembering her father's words.

"In Stiix their is a very valuable item I need you to find. It is called the Teapot of Tyrahn, it holds great power that you need to find."

Aria sighs and thinks in her head 'sure dad I'll just fly all the way to Stiix to find a tiny pot that I have no idea where it is'

She soon lands in Stiix and begins searching around for the Teapot of Tyrahn. After awhile she gives up and sits in a tavern.

"I give up" she mutters

On the tv, footage is shown of the ninja committing various crimes, with Lloyd robbing the bank, Zane sabotaging a roller-coaster and sending its riders crashing off of the rails, Cole destroying various roads, Jay robbing a painting of Master Chen from the Ninjago Museum of History, and so forth.

"...what" Aria looks at it confused

News reports interviews various associates of the Ninja and the Police Commissioner is calling for their arrest.

Aria laughs "oh this will be fun"

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