Chapter 78: The Lake of Tears

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"Can't we take a break" Jay whines "we've been walking for hours"

Ari turns around and looks at them annoyed. She points behind them.

"I still see the tree you rested at 20 minutes ago!" Ari shouts

The 4 ninja whine and Lloyd sighs.

"Come on guys, we have no idea what's happening in Ninjago while we're out here" Lloyd says "anything could be happening and if we wanna save everyone we gotta hurry"

"This would be so much easier if we had vehicles or used our dragons" Kai looks up "we would be there in no time"

"Using our Elemental dragons would give us away, we will be much easier to spot and be taken down" Zane says

"Exactly" Lloyd agrees

"Doesn't mean that Aria doesn't already know that you're here" Ari says "and if not it's only a matter of time before she does know"

"So we gotta find the gems before Aria comes to stop us?!" Jay freaks

"I don't think Aria herself will come here" Ari tells them "the situation in Ninjago must be tense right now, she wouldn't leave, we'd most likely face her allies including the vampire knights"

"Wait so you know about the Vampire Knights?" Cole asks

"Yeah, they exist in every timeline I think" Ari tells them "Hanabusa has watched over me since I was young and Kaname is trained to be head guard just like in this timeline"

"Huh" Kai looks ahead "interest- what is this?"

The group have arrived at a dark and shadowed giant lake. In the center of the lake was a strange looking rock that looked like a person crying. Their were no trees or signs of life anywhere, like most of the shadowlands.

"Boys, welcome to the Lake of Tears" Ari says

"It's.. wow" Cole looks around "sad"

"I don't understand" Lloyd walks towards the lake "Where's the gem?"

"It's somewhere at the Lake of Tears" Ari tells them "or.. in it"

"You mean it's in the lake!" the ninja shout

"Sure It's just a lake but it's got to have dozens of feet of sand at the bottom, we don't even know how to find it" Lloyd says

"Good point" Ari looks at the lake "it would be easy if we had Nya here because she would be able to sense it.. but.."

"guess we have no choice but to search it" Zane tells everyone

The calm murky water of the lake suddenly turned violent and the ninja shout in surprise. They all stand back as a giant eel like creature emerges from the lake.

"who dares disturb this land!"

"Eek!" Jay hides behind Zane "w-what is that thing?!"

"It's the guardian" Ari says

"That's the guardian?!" Lloyd looks at her "it's a giant fish"

"The guardians aren't people" Ari says "they're mostly beasts"

"You all!" the eel shouts "what is your purpose for coming here!"

"This is the guardian Soldeen" Ari tells the ninja "he used to be the tribe leader for the group of people who settled here in this town of ninjago hundreds of years ago, he became this creature during the Overlord and First Spinjitsu master's war"

"The Overlord turned him into this?" Kai asks "why?"

"To guard the gem, I told you that already" Ari replies annoyed "this place used to be beautiful, until the land was stained in darkness like the rest of the Shadowlands"

Lloyd steps out from the group "we've come here seeking a gem"

"...sure just tell the bad guy the truth" Cole says "that always works"

"This guardian isn't bad" Ari tells him "perhaps.. Lloyd can reach him"

"you seek the gem of water" Soldeen states

"Yes" Lloyd answers and Cole facepalms

"for what purpose?" Soldeen asks

"Is this for real working?" Kai asks

"Not every gem will be this easy you know" Ari says "like a video game all quests start off easy.. and increase in difficulty"

"To save Ninjago" Lloyd replies

Soldeen laughs "you think you can save ninjago! you're fools!"

"Hey, we're a lot a things, but we're not fools" Jay says

"ironic for you to say" Ari comments

"Hey!" Jay glances at her

"I would never entrust the gem of water to you" Soldeen says

"fine then, we'll just have to take it" Lloyd insists "Ninja!"

The other ninja rush forward with Lloyd.


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