Chapter 107

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A few days have passed, Callie was now sitting down at Pops with her mom and brother as Eddie came over giving them their food. 

"Thanks, Eddie," Callie smiled up at him. "Keep up the good work." That night Callie sat at her desk on the phone with Valerie.

"Have you considered UofM?" Callie asked.

"Yes, but it is so tough to get in there," Valerie answered. "Any other useful college suggestions?

"There is Northern Michigan, Ball State University, Purdue," Callie suggested. "You ever thought about applying to a college outside of the country? Like Canada?"

"For now I will keep muy options here, little red," Valerie answered. "Do you have a backup plan?"

"For my mom's sake I am applying to the Naval Academy," Callie answered. 

"Maybe I'll go with you and we can be roommates," Valerie stated.

"Now that will be a party," Callie laughed, she then heard a knock on the door. She looked over to see her mom, and Vegas running in happily.

"Cal, it's a school night," Mom stated. "And you promised to stop by the community center in the morning with your brother."

"Gotta go, Val," Callie stated. "See you at school."

"See ya little red," Valerie stated before ending the call.


Morning came around, Callie walked into the El Royale with Reggie, Archie, and other Bulldogs to see that place a complete mess. 

"Oh my," Callie breathed.

"What?" Reggie asked as they saw the lights flickering and broken glass. "Andres, you asked us to be big brothers and sisters not soldiers in a turf war."

"Who would do such a thing?" Callie asked.

"I got a pretty good idea," Archie answered. Soon FP came as they started to clean up the place. Callie was in the office with them. "It was definitely Dodger. He's been coming after us for weeks. We've been chipping away at his gang, there's more kids getting off the streets, but there is only so much we can do until Dodger himself is behind bars."

"I can add Sketch Alley to the nightly patrol area," FP offered. 

"That would be great, Mr. Jones," Callie stated.

"But go after Dodger," Archie added right behind it. "He works out of the Wipeout Arcade." FP nodded. After helping with cleaning up the gym, they all went to school for the day. Callie was now in the student lounge with Sweet Pea, he was playing with her hair as she helped him colleges to look at.

"How about Bowling Green State?" Callie asked.

"And go to Ohio?" Sweet Pea scrunched his nose.

"That's gone," Callie stated as she crossed it off his list. "Penn State?"

"That would be considered a dream school," Sweet Pea stated.

"Never hurts to try, I was told to apply to a dream school, as well as a realistic one," Callie stated as she put a star by the school. 

"Maybe college isn't for me," Sweet Pea stated.

"Trade school is always an option," Callie stated. "There's cars, plumbing, construction, rood, heating and cooling, cooking."

"Now those actually sound promising," Sweet Pea stated.

"Hey," Veronica greeted walking up, the two looked at her. "Cal, can you help me train the newest hostess at La Bonne Nuit"

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