Chapter 127

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Jughead, Archie, and Sweet Pea all looked at each other as the fire burned at both sides, both kids extremely scared. 

"Here," Archie said as he handed Lottie to Sweet Pea, she was in tears. "Jughead! The fire extinguishers! There should be one in the kitchen!"

"On it!" Jughead shouted back as Sweet Pea moved away from the fire, and both kids held on to him tightly. 

"I want mommy," Grady cried. "Mommy. Call mommy."

"It's going to be alright, buddy," Archie assured as he started to put out the fires with Jughead. "You have your dad, Jughead, and me."

"Mommy," Lottie cried.

"She'll be here soon," Archie assured as they got out the fire extinguishers, they quickly got rid of the fire. An hour later, Callie was walking up to the house, her eyes were wide at the sight of the house, she barged in and grew into instant relief to see her kids were okay.

"Mama!" Grady cried, he ran towards her with tears running down her face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Callie asked embracing him in a tight hug. "Where is your sister?"

"Mommy!" Lottie cried running towards her with tears in her eyes. Callie took Lottie into the hug as well. 

"We were playing upstairs with uncle and Dad," Grady began. "Then Uncle Juggie shouted fire." Callie looked up to see Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Archie all sitting on the couch. 

"I am so sorry Cal," Archie apologized rushing toward her. "If I knew there was going to be a fire, there would have been no way I would have let them stay here, they aren't injured--" Archie got cut off by Callie standing up and pulling him into a hug.

"My kids are okay thanks to you three," Callie cut him off. "Thank you." She looked down a Grady was pulling on her jacket, she picked him up, she kissed his head. "Do you know who caused this?"

"Most likely your ex-boyfriend Mantle," Sweet Pea grumbled

"Reggie?" Callie gasped. 

"Mommy," Lottie breathed. Callie looked down to see that Lottie wanted to be held as well, she smiled. She squatted down, picking her up as well.

"Cal," Sweet Pea breathed.

"I will talk to Reggie in the morning," Callie said. "For is way past these two's bedtime." She then made her way up the stairs with Sweet Pea following.

"Cal," Sweet Pea breathed as they walked into her old room. "I am so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Callie asked as she put the two kids on the bed. 

"It's my fault," Sweet Pea said, there were tears in his eyes.

"That's not true," Grady said as he began to jump up and down on the bed. "You didn't start the fire."

"Uh-huh," Lottie nodded in agreement.

"Are you going to make Mr. Reggie walk the plank, Mama?" Grady asked.

"You betcha," Callie smiled. "I'll push him off." She grabbed him, laying him on the bed; tickling him, Grady was laughing; Lottie crawled over. "No one messes with your mama's family." She pushed up his shirt and blew into his belly, Grady laughed even more. Sweet Pea stood at the door watching as Callie played with the two.

"Cal," Sweet Pea breathed.

"You can go," Callie said as she looked back. "I'll be fine."

"I can go talk to Reggie for you," Sweet Pea offered.

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