Chapter 66

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Callie came home, she quietly crept into the house. She carefully walked up the stairs, she passed her brothers room, she saw him jolt awake. He was panting and sweating.

" Are you alright Arch?" Callie asked as she walked into the room.

" Bad dream," Archie answered as he sat up.

" What was it about?" Callie asked as she sat on the bed.

" I was chasing Cassidy, and then I was chasing myself," Archie began to explain. " I had the gun, and I shot him."

" You did not shoot him," Callie reminded him.

" I could have prevented it," Archie insisted.

" You just a kid, you had no idea what was going to happen," Callie said.

" I should have stayed with Cassidy," Archie said.

" What else happened in the dream?" Callie asked.

" Well after I saw myself shoot Cassidy, I turned and saw you, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead. All looking at me, I said it was not me, and then blood was all over my hands."

" Archie do not guilt yourself into something that you did not do," Callie pleaded.

" If I go away," Archie began.

 " You won't," Callie insisted. " We will start the junior year together."

" Take care of dad and mom if I do go," Archie pleaded. " Please Cal."

" You got my word," Callie promised him. 

" Keep an eye on everyone," Archie pleaded.

" I will," Callie promised him. " Me and V with make it a point to visit you whenever we get the chance."

" Don't waste your time visiting me," Archie said.

" You can't control that part," Callie said. " You are my twin brother, I gotta watch out for you the same way you watch out for me."

" You are the best sister I could ever ask for," Archie admitted.

" Archie," Callie breathed. " I am your only sister."

" Killing the moment," Archie laughed. " Get some sleep."

" You too," Callie smiled before going to her room. When she got their, she opened the door to see Sweet Pea on her bed.

" What took you so long?" Sweet Pea asked as she closed the door.

" Archie," Callie sighed as she walked over to the bed. " The situation is getting to him, even in his sleep." She sat down on the bed and closed her eyes.

" Archie is going to be ruled as innocent, "Sweet Pea assured her as he rubbed her back.

" Only if Archie does not do anything stupid and Hiram doesn't not have another wild card to throw," Callie pointed out.

" Shortstop," Sweet Pea began as he pulled her close to him.

" Thanks for standing by my side during all this," Callie said. " I know it was not the summer either of us was hoping for."

" Well as school is in session, we will have more time for each other," Sweet Pea reminded her.

" Hopefully," Callie hoped. " I'm helping V with her Squeakeasy," Callie smiled.

" Can I get any hints on it?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Nah," Callie breathed.

" You ass," Sweet Pea groaned.

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