Chapter 116

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A couple of days later, Callie was laying in bed at Sweet Pea's trailer, they were both under the covers, taking in the last few moments before the storm hit the fan. The door suddenly burst open.

"Good there you two are!" Alice stated as she walked.

"Ms. Smith!" Sweet Pea and Callie exclaimed as they both sat up pulling up the covers.

"I thought you locked it," Callie whispered.

"I thought you locked it," Sweet Pea whispered back.

"Well, none of you locked it," Alice said as she stared at Callie with some disappointment in her eyes, she then started her camera.

"Teen Detective Andrews," Alice began. "Where do you and your partner plan on beginning the investigation of the murder of Jughead Jones?"

"Uh--" Sweet Pea began.

"Did you two come up with a plan during your Birds and the Bees?"

"We are still discussing the points," Callie answered. "We were going to go Sheriff Jones after school to converse." After Alice got her piece, she left the trailer slamming the door shut. 

"Let's head to school," Sweet Pea suggested. "It's your first day back right?"

"Yeah," Callie breathed. She looked over at the clothes folded on the table. She looked back at Pea, he kissed her passionately, she leaned back into the bed deepening the kiss. 


At school, they were all sitting in chemistry class when Fp and the other police barged in. 

"Archie Andrews, Callie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and Veronica Lodge," Fp listed as he walked in, the five all got their feet. "You're under arrest for the cold-blooded murder of my son, Jughead Jones." They all got handcuffed, as they left the classroom, Callie looked back to see everyone in shock, Sweet Pea was beyond angry. 

"Keep it moving," Fp ordered as he pushed her out the door. They walked in silence as they got lead down the hall.

"This was their move," Callie said softly. "The Stonies. We knew that they would do this."

"I hope you're right, Cal," Veronica said. 

"Everything's fine, okay?" Betty assured.

"This is good. This is where they start tripping up more, okay?" Callie added. 

"This will work, it has to," Betty said with confidence. They were brought to the police station and put behind bars. 

"You three sit tight," Mr. Jones instructed as he locked the cell. "I'll be bringing you in for questioning one at a time, and then we're finally gonna get to the bottom of what happened that night. You understand me?" They all got pulled in one by one for interrogations. Soon it was Callie's turn, she sat in the room with her mom.

"What was your serpent alliance ring during in my son's mouth?" Fp stated as he put a bag on the table, inside was her ring. 

"You don't have to answer that, Callie," Mom said as Callie stared at the bag.

"You've said the same thing to the last twenty questions, and the same in Archie's, Mary," Fp stated as he slammed his fist on the table. "Now, I appreciate your need to protect your boy, but I need answers. One of them's gotta give me something."

"Legally they do not," Mom argued. "And as their lawyer, I am required to make sure that my clients are aware of their rights." Soon they were free to go once evidence came back proving their innocence. Once Callie stepped in the hall, Sweet Pea was waiting there. She noticed Joan was waiting around the corner. 

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