Chapter 132

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One morning; Sweet Pea woke up to someone climbing on top of him; he opened his eyes to see Grady.

"Pirate," Sweet Pea greeted as he sat up. "Bad dream?" Grady shook his head. "What is it?"

"You and mama," Grady answered. "Are you two fighting?"

"What makes you think that?" Sweet Pea asked.

"You're sleeping on the couch," Grady answered.

Sweet Pea sighed. "Clever like your mother. Do you know why mama is truly mad at me?" Grady shook his head. "She says it was because I kissed her...but I think there is more to it."

Grady sat up more. "You kissed mama?"

"And she wasn't happy about it," Sweet Pea confirmed. "I need your pirate expertise to figure out why she is truly mad."

"You should get it figured out before Friday," Grady advised; Sweet Pea tilted her head. "Heard her on the phone about heading to back to Little Rhody."

"Great," Sweet Pea sighed.


The rest of the day carried on, Callie was at Watson's Wonders; she was unpacking boxes; putting items on the shleves when Sweet Pea walked in; checking out the place. He picked up a Josie cd; flipping it back and forth.

"What are you doing here, Pea?" Callie asked.

"You know why I am here," Sweet Pea said. "Didn't give Weatherbee a two-week notice."

"What for?" Callie asked as she walked over.

"You are leaving for Rhode Island Friday, right?" Sweet Pea asked; he looked back to see Callie stumped. "And you weren't going to tell me?"

"Sweet Pea," Callie huffed. 

"Grady over your conversation," Sweet Pea said. 

"What Grady heard is true, I will be heading to Rhode Island at the end of the week," Callie confirmed. "I need to sell my old home. One of the Vixens has been thinking about buying it, but I still have a couple of things there." Sweet Pea stared at her. "I need to go pay my respects to Wilbur...."

"You didn't like him," Sweet Pea reminded her.

"He's Lottie's father, Sweet Pea," Callie informed. "I can't just..." Before Sweet Pea could say Kevin walked into the shop.

"Cal," Kevin greeted, he looked around the place. "Could you know Cheryl and her mom have a ministry up at Thornhill?" He looked at her. 

"I'm not religious and neither are my kids," Callie informed. 

"I just don't want to attend alone," Kevin said as he puts his hands together. "Please come with me...just this one...Cheryl thinks I'm looking for something deeper than a hook-up in the woods."

"Uh..." Callie began. "Sure, we'll go with you."

"Awesome!" Kevin clapped. "Having you and your kids there will make this less painful." As he left Betty and Tabitha came in; they had the same expression when stepping into the place.

"Have you ever seen Coyote Ugly?" Betty asked; Callie nodded. "I was wondering if you and your vixens can help with that at the Whyte Wyrm?"

"What?" Sweet Pea asked in alarm. 

"We are trying to track the Highway killer," Betty answered."We figured having a Coyote Ugly night will get truckers to come in, we can set up bugs and cameras around the place"

"Yeah, I'll help," Callie answered. "Would you like any bugging help?" Tabitha looked at Betty.

"Back in the day, Callie was known as Riverdale's Bugging Queen," Betty revealed. "Sweet Pea...would you mind helping as well?"

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