Chapter 56

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Days later, Callie stood at Midge's funeral. She was dressed in a black vixen's uniform with all the other girls, everyone else dressed in black. She held a white rose in her hand. And for the next few days, they were interrogated by Sheriff Keller, all of the cast. 

" When you walk through a storm," Cheryl sang. " Hold your head up high. And don't be afraid. Of the dark. At the end of the storm. There's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of a lark" As the song went on everyone threw in the white roses. Mrs. Klump was sobbing. " You'll never walk alone." Cheryl held up her arms once she finished singing. Callie along with the other vixens raised their black pom poms. " I also feel it is my duty to say that...Like the Furies of Ancient Greece, who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crime's been committed, the Vixens and I vow that we will not rest until though responsible for the murder of our sister...Is rightly punished." Tears were coming down the vixen's cheeks. As they headed back to their cars, they all watched Mrs. Klump slap Sheriff Keller across the face. 


Callie now sat in a booth with Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead. 

" I have a theory," Jughead stated. " It's a copycat killer."

" Or there was really two all along," Callie stated.

" And who coincidentally showed just after Mr. Svenson was killed?" Jughead asked her. " And had been giving off creepy vibes ever since? Chic. He has a temper too."

" Chic is here because I went to the hostel to get him," Betty corrected. " And, yes, he's weird, but he didn't know Midge."

" What if Mr. Svenson wasn't the Black Hood alone?" Archie asked. " Maybe Callie was right, maybe there was two of them.

" Archie, we were there when he died," Betty reminded him.

" I know. But just because he was wearing a hood that night, it doesn't necessarily mean he's the same guy who shot my dad," Archie pointed out.

" And now killed Midge," Callie added.

" Svenson forced me to bury you alive, Arch," Betty brought up. " He cut off his own finger and sent it to me."

" Maybe the real Black Hood cut it off because he was working with Svenson," Callie suggested. 

" And Svenson would've let himself be mutilated?" Veronica questioned.

" Look, all I'm trying to say is the real Black Hood could still be alive," Callie defended herself.

" I looked into the Black Hood's eyes," Archie stated. He then shook his head. " They weren't Mr. Svenson's eyes."  After Pop's Callie headed home by herself. She was keeping watch when she felt someone grabbed. She turned around and punched the person before two separate grabbed her. She saw three people dressed in all black. 

" Let go of me!" Callie demanded as she tried to break free. 

" Not a chance Strawberry," one of them said.

" Reggie?" Callie gasped.

" Not even close," the guy said as they put a cloth up to her mouth and a bag over her head.


The next morning Archie came into the kitchen.

" Looks like you had a rough night," his dad pointed out.

" I can't stop thinking about what the Black Hood wrote, Dad," Archie admitted. " All those who escaped me before will die. Maybe you and Callie should leave town and visit Chicago, go stay with Mom."

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