Chapter 2

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A while later Callie sat in the front row as Cheryl spoke at the podium.

"Thank you for that moment of silence," Cheryl said looking up at everyone. " Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason. I loved my brother. He was and always will be my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence that only a twin could have Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why I've asked the School Board to not cancel the Back-to-School semiformal". People start cheering happily. "But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively and celebrate my brother's too, too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you all". Everyone clapped and cheered as the assembly ended. Afterward, Callie walked with Cheryl.

"Good speech Cherly," Callie congratulated.

"Thank you, Callie," Cheryl smiled at her. "Let's go get some lunch." The two girls made their way to the cafeteria and outside with their food. In the distance, they could hear Archie playing his song.

"Look," Callie pointed out. "New girl is sitting with Nancy drew." 

"She can do better with the friend picking," said Tina.

" She's fine," Cheryl rolled her eyes. "But we need more Vixens, and tryouts are like right after school."

"Let's go talk to the girl about it," Callie suggested standing up.

"Brilliant idea, mini-me," Cheryl agreed standing up with her. The two made their way over to Betty's table that also sat Archie and Kevin. As they are walking over, they notice Archie get up to leave.

" Veronica Lodge," Callie greeted as the two made it to the table.

"I'd heard whisperings," Cheryl smiled at her as she placed her hands on her hips. "I'm Cheryl Blossom, may I sit?" She then turned to Betty. " Betty, would you mind?" Betty moved over, and Veronica scooched over so Callie could sit as well.

"So what are you three hens gossiping about?" Callie asked.

"Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?" Cheryl questioned, Callie, rolled her eyes in annoyance at the mention of her brother and his change. Callie noticed Betty shake her head no at her other two friends.

"Extracurriculars," Veronica answered. " Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few."

"Cheerleading," Cheryl advised.

"You must," Callie added.

"I'm senior captain of the River Vixens," Cheryl pointed out as she followed her hands.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin asked.

"Is being the Gay Best Friend still a thing?" Callie questioned him. Kevin looked away as Betty rolled her eyes. " Some people say it's retro; I say it's eternal and iconic."

"At Spence, I sat at the top of the Elite's pyramid," Veronica recalled from her old school. " I'm in." Callie and Cheryl looked at each other happily. She then turned to Betty. " Betty, you're trying out, too."

"Of course!" Callie chimed as Cheryl looked at Betty and her plate of food. 

"Anyone's welcome to try out," Cheryl added. " But Betty already got so much on her plate right now and being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing."

"But open to all!" Callie smiled as the two red-head girls stood up.

"Follow me on Twitter, and I'll do the same," Cheryl advised. "My handle is @cherlybombshell".

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