Chapter 42

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A day or two later Callie came down with the flu and had to stay home from school. She was currently in her room, on her bed, curled up in blankets. She had a tissue box at her side, medicine on the bed table. She was completely her English homework. Which was to read and annotate Animal Farm. She heard a knock on the door, she looked up to see Sweet Pea, he had two bowls of soup on his hand.

" You should be in school," Callie insisted.

" And you should be asleep," Sweet Pea argued as he walked over. " You look awful."

" I feel awful," Callie added. " How did you get in?"

" Archie gave me his key," Sweet Pea answered as he handed her soup.

" Thanks," Callie said. 

"Let's watch a movie," Sweet Pea suggested as he put his soup down.

" I have to get this done," Callie argued.

" You have all day today and tomorrow to get this completed," Sweet Pea reminded her. " We are watching West Side Story." He grabbed her laptop and walked over. 

" I'm going to get you sick," Callie protested.

" I will be fine," Sweet Pea assured her. Soon the two were watching West Side Story together. " What do you think?" There was no reply, he looked over to see Callie asleep, he smiled before hitting replay on the movie. A couple of days later and a week after the integration of the Southside students in Riverdale everything went back to normal. Callie attended Vixens practice and Swords and Serpents club. One day Callie opened was walking down the hallway with Veronica with they bumped into people, she felt hot coffee go down her shirt.

"I am so sorry Callie," Dilton immediately apologized.

" It's alright," Callie assured him. " I have an extra shirt in my locker." Dilton smiled in relief, the two girls went to Callie's locker, she opened it revealing the serpent jacket and a shirt.

" And who's shirt is that?" Veronica asked as Callie took it out. She then smelled it.

" Not Archie's shirt and not Reggie's shirt," Callie answered. " Well, I'm gonna wear it."

"You don't even know who's it is," Veronica pointed out.

" I have an odd feeling on who's it might be," Callie admitted as she gestured to the jacket in her locker. Veronica raised her eyebrows at her, Callie shut her locker, grabbed Veronica's hand and dragged her to the bathroom.

"So, you now sharing your locker with Sweet Pea?" Veronica asked as Callie walked into a stall to change her shirt.

" He says so he can get out of the school faster," Callie informed.

"Or to spend time with you," Veronica suggested.

" I don't mind," Callie admitted as she walked out, the shirt was a bit too long on her, it went to her knees. Veronica took out a hair tie and fixed the shirt. " Can I tell you something?"

"Girl, I am all ears," Veronica laughed.

" I might have called Sweet Pea cute to his face," Callie stated.

"What?" Veronica gasped.

" Well with the new uniform he has to wear, I told him I prefer that bad boy look more," Callie explained.

" You like him," Veronica accused.

"No," Callie denied, Veronica gave her a look. " Maybe a little." 

" Girl I am all for a serpent and vixen love story," Veronica laughed. The two girls left the bathroom. Later on, Callie was currently sitting in history listening to Cheryl give her oral presentation.

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