Chapter 96

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The next morning everything seemed to go back to its dreadful Riverdale self. Callie should have known that good feeling she had, would not last forever. She was now at crash scene with Betty and Veronica. Prisoners being transferred to Hiram's prison, there was an accident. They arrived at the scene, it was not looking too good, the bus was completely burnt, worse of all the Black Hood was on that bus.

" Mr. Jones, what happened here?" Callie asked.

" We don't know the answer to that yet," Fp answered. " We're working on it."

" It's him," Betty breathed in horror. The three looked at her. "He's back, the Black Hood."

" Betty's dad was on that bus," Veronica informed.

" He was being transferred to Hiram's prison," Betty informed. " He's out there, Mr. Jones."

" No, no. Betty," Fp denied. " No one survived this crash, I'm...I'm sorry."

" You know that he's dead?" Betty asked. " You're positive?"

" There were five inmates on that bus, one driver, that's six total," Fp said, " Which is...It's the number of heads we've found. DNA tests will confirm it if we can't piece everyone back together, but...I'm sorry." He turned and walked back tot eh investigation.

" Betty," Callie breathed as she and Veronica walked towards her. " We should go."

" He asked for my help with this transfer," Betty stated. " He wanted this, Veronica and Callie. What if he planned this? What if he escaped? He could still be out there."

" Callie?" Fp called as he walked back toward them. " May I speak to her?"

" Yeah," Betty nodded, still horrified, the other two went and waited in the car.

" Just to let you know, Kurtz is no longer a problem," Fp told her.

" Is he locked up?" Callie asked.

" He ascended to the kingdom," Fp answered.

" I want to feel relieved," Callie said as she looked at the ground.

" It'll hit you in when you take those chains off your window," Fp said. " Trust me."

" Thank you, Mr. Jones," Callie smiled a little.

"  Ip for investigations and helping Jughead?" Fp asked.

" You can count me in," Callie confirmed as she looked back at him.

Callie arrived back home to see her mom and Archie hugging.

"Mom!" Callie gasped. Her mom turned around, Callie ran and engulfed in a group hug,

" Oh," Mom breathed happily with the two in her embrace.

"I would've picked you up from the airport, but Dad took his truck, and I'm not sure the jalopy's y our speed," Archie rambled.

" Oh, it's fine I took an Uber," Mom informed. " But have you had breakfast yet? We can go to Pop's, my treat."

"Actually, can we do dinner instead?" Archie requested. " I was gonna head to the gym before school starts."

" Yeah, your dad mentioned that you'd taken up boxing," Mom recalled. " Said you were pretty serious about it."

" I am, yeah," Archie nodded. " That's not why you came, is it? To talk me out of it?"

" Not at all," Mom denied. "Things were slow in Chicago and I just want to spend some time with my kids." She put an arm on both of them. " That's all."

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