Chapter 84

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The next morning Callie woke up to a phone call from Cheryl Blossom.

" Hey," Callie said in a sleepy voice.

" A new a favor," Cheryl said. " Are you ready for my request Mini-Me?"

" Yeah, sure," Callie said as she sat. 

" I may have cost my T.T. the serpents," Cheryl admitted. " So I want to help find a new nonjudgmental gang family."

" I can do that," Callie smiled.

" I'm giving my interview time to Toni at the Highsmith College," Cheryl informed. " Can you start asking around at school for me? Only girls."

" On it," Callie agreed.

" Thanks, Mini-Me," Cheryl thanked her before hanging up the phone. She then looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 am.

" Maybe I should give everyone hours on when they can call me," Callie said to her self. 

Callie was now at school she walking around trying to find people. She got a few to join and then she saw her a good person to ask. A girl in dark clothing and amazing style. It Peaches N' Cream, she had a hatred towards the Southside Serpents from what Callie has heard. 

" Peaches," Callie said walking up to her.

" What do you want Andrews?" Peaches asked.

" You looking for a gang to join?" Callie asked.

" Are you asking me to join the slimy snake gang?" Peaches demanded.

" No," Callie answered. " A new one."

" A new one?" Peaches asked.

" Well now that Cheryl and Toni are no longer in the gang. Toni misses having a family like the Serpents, so she wants to make a new gang, girls only."

" I don't know," Peaches said.

" You would be rivals of the Serpents," Callie informed.

" Does it have a name yet?" Peaches asked.

" If Toni likes it, then yes, but as of now no," She answered.

" I'll join," Peaches stated.

" You will?" Callie asked happily.

" Yes," Peaches nodded. " Will you join Andrews?"

" We can be alliances," Callie suggested.

" You are helping form a gang, but you won't join?" Peaches asked.

" That does seem odd," Callie admitted. " But my alliance will be with the Serpents as much as it will be with this new gang."

" Fair," Peaches nodded. " But when the time comes, whose side will you choose?"

" If it's an argument, I will go with whoever is probably more right, if it's war...I'd be prefer to be left out this time," Callie answered.

" And if you had to choose?" Peaches asked.

" The new gang," Callie answered. " Cheryl is my best friend, and I love a badass group of women."


Late that night Callie was at Sweet Pea trailers, he thought she would be safer at the trailer then back at home. The two of them sat next to each other sharing earbuds.

" This kind of reminds me of when we were trying to figure out the Black Hood's voice," Sweet Pea stated.

" It does?" Callie asked.

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