Chapter 59

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The next day at school everyone was watching the leaked video of Fangs and Midge. It got leaked from the Register. Sweet Pea and Callie were watching it from Callie's phone.

" How could Ms. Cooper do this?" Sweet Pea asked angrily.

" She didn't," Callie answered.

"She owns the register," Sweet Pea reminded her. " Well, the Coopers do."

" Not anymore," Callie informed. " Hiram Lodge bought it a while ago. This makes Fangs look really guilty," Callie stated.

" Attention, Students. This is Principal Weatherbee," Principal Weatherbee announced over the PA system. " I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office immediately."

" We have to find Fogarty," Sweet Pea stated, they started to make their way down the hallways looking for the boy. They soon saw him talking to Jughead and Toni.

" Fangs," Callie breathed as they walked over to him, he looked terrified.

" You're dead, Vixen killer!" Reggie shouted in anger as he came down the stairs. 

" This way..." Jughead said as the four tried to lead him away.

" Mr. Fogarty!" Sheriff Minetta said they turned to see the cops. " We need you to come with us."

" I didn't do anything," Fangs stated. He turned to Reggie, then tried to make a break for it through the police.

" Okay, okay. Come on, come. hey, hey!" Sheriff Minetta rambled. He slammed against a wall, Fang's knife slipped out of a pocket and fell onto the floor. Sheriff Minetta then forced Fangs on the ground and handcuffed him.


Callie was now at Josie's house, she needed to talk to her mom.

"Mrs. McCoy," Callie greeted shaking her hand.

" What can I do for you Ms. Amdrews?" Mrs. McCoy asked. 

" A student was taken into custody," Callie began. " Can you possibly be his attorney?"

" I can see what I can do," Mrs. McCoy stated. " Why don't you fight him yourself?"

" I am not qualified to do so," Callie answered. " And I need a well-respected adult like you to do it. He is being wrongly accused. He liked Midge like he would date her. He wouldn't have killed her. Or anyone."

" Tell me more," Mrs. McCoy instructed.


The next morning Callie was waiting for Mayor McCoy outside the police department with Jughead. He called Archie on his phone, he put it on speaker.

" Jug, what's up?" Archie answered the phone.

" You and your Dark Circle went wilding on the Southside last night that's what's up!" Jughead answered. 

" That's impossible," Callie answered. " Archie was there when I got home, asleep in a chair."

" Unless it was some other vigilante group in letterman jackets who set a dumpster on fire and slashed our tires!" Jughead ranted. " Archie, Hog-eye saw you guys!"

" Jug, I swear, I don't know anything about this," Archie insisted. " I wasn't there."

" Jughead? Callie?" Sierra McCoy greeted walking up to the two. " Where is he?" The two led attorney McCoy inside to stop the investigation.

" Don't say another word," Mrs. McCoy ordered Fangs as she walked in with Jughead and Callie. " I'll be representing Mr. Forgarty from here on out and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop harassing my client."

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