Chapter 40

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The next morning Callie was passing her brother's room when she heard her brother tell her dad about starting a band like the Fred Heads.

" If you're gonna do that, do that in the garage," their dad laughed, he left the room to see her. " Oh, Callie, are you sure you are fine with going to school today?"

" I will be fine," Callie assured him.


At school, Callie sat in the student lounge with a couple of people. She was talking to one of the vixens when they saw Veronica and Archie walk into the room while kissing.

" Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking," Principal Weatherbee began over the PA system. " E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately. Southside High School is shut down." Everyone gasped. " And its students will be transferred to other schools in the districts, including this one." Calie exchanged looks with Archie. " I believe the statement we're releasing..."

"Okay guys, let's not overreact," Veronica suggested.

" Will address your concerns and theirs," Principal Weatherbee continued. " You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms....course schedules, and locker assignments. Thank you. That is all."

"Wait, what does that...what does that mean?" Archie asked.

"It means Jughead is coming back," Betty stated.

"Betty, are you ready for that?" Callie asked.

" Of course," Betty answered. " We're fine. This way we can probably keep an eye on Callie and her serpent crush too."

"We don't like each other like that," Callie rolled her eyes.

"But why is this happening now?" Archie asked.

"Who knows," Veronica said. " It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand. And in the meantime let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood. Who's in? Hmm?"

" I'm in," Callie said as she stood up. "Let's get one thing straight, just because they are from the Southside, does not mean they are exiles."

" If Callie thinks they aren't going to be a problem," Kevin began. " Then she is probably right, but we have to still keep caution." Veronica grabbed her hands.

" Since you are in, can you help me print schedules, locker assignment?" Veronica asked.

" Why?" Callie asked.

"Because you tend me friends with the southside students best," Veronica admitted.

" Only the serpents," Callie informed her.

" Please Cee," Veronica pleaded. " We can do it together, I can bond more with the bf's sister."

"Fine," Callie gave in with a smile. Veronica cheered and hugged Callie happily.


When she got home she was greeted by her dad.

"Can you believe that Southside is closing?" Her dad asked.

"It's shocking," Callie answered. " Why?"

"They found it as a hazard when they found a methamine lab in the basement," her dad answered. " Are you okay with this?"

"Yes," Callie answered. " Why wouldn't I be?"

" Cause I don't know if I am," her dad said. 

"Why?" Callie asked.

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