Chapter 95

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After the match, people sat at the hospital, waiting on word of Ronson's condition. Callie sat with Sweet Pea, across from Josie, Archie, and Veronica.

" Ms. Ronson?" the doctor asked, walking over to her.

" Yes," she said, standing up with the other girls.

" We did everything we could, I'm very sorry," The doctor apologized.

" How did this happen?" Elio demanded.

" We'll know more after the autopsy comes back," Dr. Patel answered

" We need to see him," Ms. Ronson requested.

" Of course," Dr. Patel said. " The nurse will show you." They walked towards the back, sobbing, Dr. Patel turned to follow them.

" Dr. Patel," Archie called getting up.

" Yes," He said.

" Listen, there's something you should know," Archie informed. " Randy was juicing."

" Excuse me," Elio demanded as he walked over.

" You gave it to him," Mad Dog said as he and Veronica stood up.

" I would never give one of my fighters drugs," Elio declined. " What Randy chose to put into his body, unbeknownst to me, is not my responsibility."

" Well, aren't you manager of the year," Veronica sassed.

" His blood is on your hands," Mad Dog growled.

" No, his blood is all over Archie's hands, literally," Elio informed. " Better lawyer up, Andrews, you killed him in that ring, and you know it."

" Just so you know any lawyer you have, will be no match for my sister," Archie informed.

" We'll see about that," Elio growled before walking away.

" You have been out of the hospital for two days, and they are already working you," Sweet Pea whispered to her.

" I wonder how they got by without me," Callie grumbled back.

They all left the hospital, Sweet Pea went home for the night. Dad and Callie were being told everything by Archie; he was pacing back in forth in the kitchen.

" Arch, from everything you've said, it's clear that Randy died from those drugs," Callie said. " An autopsy will support that. You're innocent."

" I'm not, Cal," Archie panicked. " I knew. I knew Randy was juicing. I could've stopped the fight, but I didn't wanna forfeit. If I had...I'm never stepping into that ring ever again." He leaned against the counter. " I can't." He then walked away. Dad and Callie looked at each other.

" What are we going to do?" Dad asked.

" What we have been doing," Callie answered. " Stay by Archie's side; don't let him stray down another dark path."

" Are you up for this lawyer work?" Dad asked her.

" I'm not an actual lawyer," Callie admitted. " Well, not yet." She leaned against the counter. " Maybe we should call mom or Ms. Keller."

" Two very go ideas," Dad agreed.

The next morning Callie woke up from a call from Veronica.

" Ronnie?" Callie yawned into the phone.

" Your brother and Mad Dog are both currently locked up at the sheriff station," Veronica informed. 

" Time to bail them out," Callie groaned as she sat up. Minutes later, Veronica pulled up, and they went to the station.

" I posted your bail as soon as I could," Veronica informed as Callie opened the cell.

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