Chapter 108

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It was now Thanksgiving season, Callie, Archie, and Mom were at Dad's gravestone, Callie was putting flowers on his grave, and overnight Hiram Lodge was the new mayor, it helped with the fact of no one was running against him. Everyone was keeping their eyes on the forecast, mainly the ice storm heading their way. Callie was now at home with Sweet Pea, they were in the kitchen making decorations for the rec center tomorrow night.

"How are you doing this?" Sweet Pea asked.

"It's simple," Callie stated as she was making a paper machete. "Just attached two of the paper ends in the middle of the circle in the center and tape or staple it."

"It's not simple," Sweet Pea argued. "Mine is turning out to look like paper machete centipede." Callie looked over, she tilted her head as she stared at his creation.

"Wrong holiday babe," Callie stated, he glared at her playfully. Hours later, they were now at the rec center with Munroe, Archie, and Veronica.

"Feast your eyes on this boys and lady," Veronica announced as they walked by loads of vegetables. "A true Thanksgiving cornucopia." There was also a ton of bread.

"Wow! Ronnie, how..."Archie began in amazement. "Where did you get all of this?"

"I put in a to-go order at the country club," Veronica answered. "Daddy gave me the idea."

"Leave it for the kids," Callie whispered as she smacked Munroe's hands away from the food.

" A few bites won't hurt," Munroe stated as he took something else.

"I figured this could supplement whatever you and yours are cooking for the kids," Veronica stated. Munroe laughed as he picked up the giant pot. 

"Red," Munroe smiled as he stood up. "Tell me doesn't mean  you're deep-frying a Thanksgiving turkey?"

"Yes," Archie nodded. "Sweet Pea said it would be fine." Callie looked back at Sweet Pea, he stared down at her in question. "Plus, it's tradition. My dad would do one every year. 

"Best damn turkey I ever tasted," Fp stated, they looked up to see him at the top of the stairs. 

"You should come by tomorrow, Mr. Jones," Archie suggested. 

"Actually, Archie, that's what we need to talk about," FP stated as he walked down the stairs. "I hate to do this, but I'm under shut you down?"

"What? Orders from who?" Archie asked, Fp looked at Veronica. 

"Let me guess, the Mayor?" Veronica asked. Fp nodded. 

"Well, you have got to be kidding me," Archie scoffed. "He can't do this."

"Yeah, he can," Fp confirmed. "He's mayor now. He can do anything. And technically, the attack on Dodger is an open investigation. So this is still an active crime scene, plus, Hiram said with the ice storm coming--"

"He's doing this to punish me," Veronica interrupted as she folded his arms. "To get me to spend the holiday with him."

"Can't we push back?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I did," Fp nodded his head. "For a couple of hours." He began to walk away. "Look." They all looked up at him. "I'm not supposed to say this, but I know what I would do if I was in your place. Screw him!"

"Yeah," Archie nodded. "I'm sorry, but Hiram Lodge is not canceling Thanksgiving."

"Goodman," Fp nodded.

"In technicalities, Mr. Lodge is Mayor, not governor," Callie stated as she walked over to FP. She pulled out a few pieces of paper and handed them to him. "Holding this Thanksgiving will keep the kids off the streets doing the ice storm, providing them more safety from the storm. Governor Dooley seems to have agreed." Fp started laughing as he looked at the papers. 

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