Chapter 92

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The next day Callie was back at Pops for another shift, she had walked over to Archie and Baby Teeth.

" How's your food?" Callie asked.

" I swear, if I never eat anything then these burgers again, I'd die a happy man," Baby Teeth replied, Archie and Callie, chuckled. The door opened, Callie looked at saw Mad Dog.

" Welcome back to Pops, Mad Dog," Callie greeted.

" Hey," Mad Dog greeted grumily as he walked over and took a seat next to Baby Teeth.

" You alright?" Archie asked. 

" I found my grandma and little brother," Mad Dog informed. " They moved into some apartment building that's falling apart. It's been taken over by drug dealers in weird masks."

" What, like gargoyle masks?" Callie asked.

" Yeah," Mad Dog confirmed. The twins both glanced at each other. " They're cooking drugs out of some vacant apartments and my grandma and brother are right there."

" We'll get them out," Archie assured.

" What, we're gonna move my family into the gym?" Mad Dog asked.

" No, not your family," Callie declined." He's talking about the Gargoyles. We're gonna get rid of the Gargoyles."

"What do you have in mind?" Baby Teeth asked.

" I know somebody that's been looking for where the drugs have been cooking," Callie answered. " He'd be delighted to get information about this, I'm sure he and his buddies are more than willing to lend a hand."

That night Callie and Archie stood in Andrew's kitchen, reporting information to beanie head.

" We drove past the building," Archie informed. " Jug, Mad Dog was right. We saw Gargoyles coming in and out like they own the place."

" How many?" Jughead asked.

" A lot," Callie answered.

" That must be where Kurtz is doing his cooking," Jughead noted.

" Well, should we go to your dad?" Archie asked.

" No, that's the nuclear option," Jughead denied. " Remember? Besides, my dad doesn't even want us on the street. I'll talk to the guys. See if they're willing to risk their necks against the Gargoyles. Or my dad for that matter."

" Well, count us in, too," Archie declared. " Me, Mad Dog and the crew. They can fight. Everyone last one of them."

" More the merrier," Jughead stated.

" I'll help," Callie said.

" No," Jughead and Archie denied.

The next morning Callie was at Cheryl's locker, she was being filled in on the things Betty was having her do.

" It's illegal," Cheryl said.

" Yeah," Callie agreed. " I've done the same thing many times in the past...and just recently." Cheryl looked at her oddly.

" Drug busting the comic store kind of thing," Callie said.

" You should probably try and stop," Cheryl advised.

" You are probably right," Callie said. " So the Farm helping you?"

" Yeah," Cheryl smiled. " I think you should join."

" You think so?" Callie asked.

" Most definitely,"  Cheryl said. " Join with me...we are the most iconic BFF duo in this school. As iconic as Serena and Blair."

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