Chapter 103

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Walking down the halls of Stonewall prep, Callie was taking part in dropping Jughead off for his first day. Sweet Pea was filling in for her at Pops. 

 "What number was the room again?" Callie asked.

"No matter, found it," Jellybean as she opened a door.

"Amazing as always JB," Callie smiled as they all looked inside. The room was your typical college room, perhaps a bit fancier. Jughead scoffed.

"Well, we are certainly not in Riverdale High anymore," Jughead stated the fact as they all walked in. "Welcome to the Dead Poets Society."

"Not a bad coop, boy," FP admitted as Callie put a box done. 

 "Certainly has more life to it than a Riverdale classroom," Callie stated.

"More like more than Archie's room," Jellybean stated, Callie looked at her and laughed.

"Okay, kitten, Cal, let's go find the vending machine," Fp stated. "I'll buy you both some Triple Bubble."

"You guys go, I'm going to find the restroom," Callie stated as they walked out to leave Jughead and Betty alone. On her way there, she bumped into someone. "Sorry about that." She looked up to see a boy in his uniform, he had grey eyes and light brown hair.

"No, I should be the one apologizing," the boy said. "A man should always step aside for a beautiful lady like you."

"Thanks," Callie smiled. "I'm Callie, Callie Andrews." She stuck out her hand.

"I don't believe I've seen your name on the list of students here," the boy said as he shook her hand.

"Oh no, I'm just helping my friend move in, you might know him, Jughead?" Callie asked.

"Ah, Forsythe Pendleton," the boy stated. "I gave him and his girlfriend Betty of Stonewall prep, would you like one?"

"I'll be fine, I am leaving soon," Callie stated. "What is your name?"

"Bret Weston Wallis," Bret stated as he removed his hair. "You care to go out for a bite?"

"As I said I am leaving soon," Callie stated.

"Just go home later, I'm sure the Jones will understand," Bret stated.

"No thank you, I am meeting up with my boyfriend later," Callie stated.

"Boyfriend?" Bret smiled. "I should have known." Callie's phone started to ring, she looked at it. "Does your boyfriend know you are having an affair with this serpent?"

"This serpent is my boyfriend," Callie stated, Bret frowned. "I am going to take this call, it was nice meeting you." She walked away taking the call. "Tree topper, you have fantastic timing."

"In any trouble?" Sweet Pea asked. 

"No matter," Callie smiled. 

"Are you going to be home in time for Weiss at Archie's community center?" Sweet Pea asked.

"How's Pops?" Callie asked.

"Slow," Sweet Pea answered.

"Sweet Pea! I need you to make a delivery!"  Pop Tate shouted.

"Coming!" Sweet Pea shouted. His voice became hushed. "See you soon?"

"See you soon," Callie smiled. The call ended, and in no time Callie was in the El Royle with a few others. She in a chair on the other side of Munroe, and Sweet Pea was next to her. 

"Munroe and I will group the kids for boxing and MMA lessons according to their age," Archie informed. 

"We'll keep the gym open until 10, so kids like my brother have a place to hang after school and keep them off the streets before they go home," Munroe added. 

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