Chapter 10

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Callie now sat in the auditorium to watch her brother audition for the variety show. She sat next to Veronica, while Reggie sat in the back with the football squad.

"What will you be auditioning with?" Kevin asked Archie through the microphone.

" Uh, an original song that I wrote called I'll try," Archie answered.

"Try harder!" Reggie shouted over the feedback. " Maybe try not sucking so much." Callie turned her head to glare at Reggie, he put his hands up.

"He's freezing," Veronica whispered. Callie looked back up at to see Archie's hands shaking.

" Take your time, Archie," Kevin said. "Though we do have people waiting."

"Oh my god, what's happening?" Veronica asked.

"He's choking," Josie said from behind them.

"Archie? Clock's ticking," Kevin insisted.

"Excuse me. Sorry, I gotta go," Archie said in trembling an voice. The crowd laughed and people cheered. Callie got up and went after him.

"Archie," Callie said. He stopped and looked at her. " What happened?"

"I froze, I looked into the crowd," Archie answered. " And every single one of them wore that werewolf mask we have in the basement."

"I'll take it from here," Valerie said, they turned to look at him.

"Thanks, Val," Callie said before going back into the auditorium.


Later Callie was walking over to a table where her brother sat with Veronica. 

"I don't know if he will be happy about this," Callie said. " " Kevin is already furious with us."

"I think it will be better in the long run," Veronica stated. " And Kevin with just have to lighten up."

"Uh, no, I don't," Archie answered Betty's question about the variety show.

"Except that, yes, you do," Veronica spoke up as the other two sat at the table. " Thanks to a certain Veronica and Callie-ex-machinas." She took a seat in between Valerie and Archie." Excuse me".

" What do you mean?" Valerie asked, Callie, looked over and saw Kevin sitting down, he looked angry.

"Oh, nothing. Just that we had a few words with our director/host, and reminded him that he's heard you sing on numerous occasions," Veronica explained. 

" Even though it compromises my artistic integrity," Kevin began.

"Cutting to the chase," Veronica cut him off. " You have a slot if you want it."

"Veronica and Cal, thank you," Archie thanked them. " But you saw what happened.

"We all did," Callie spoke. 

"Playing my songs in front of you guys is one thing, but getting back up on that stage by myself..." Archie continued. " I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

"If it's a partner you're looking for, Veronica Lodge is more willing and able,"  Veronica offered.

"Veronica, I didn't know you could sing," Betty said.

"Like a nightingale," Veronica admitted. "What do you say Archiekins? " Betty put her hand over Callie's mouth to prevent her from laughing. " Be the Jay to my Bey?" The two looked at each other and started laughing. " Are you busy after school today Callie?"

"No, why?" Callie asked. 

"We are going to your dad's construction place, he hired my mom and it's her first day on the job," Veronica explained.

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