Chapter 53

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The next day Callie wasn't heading to school that day, she was in the middle of putting flashcards together for her dad when the door opened, she looked up to see Jughead and the other Serpents.

" What happened to using the key for only emergencies?"Callie asked.

" Betty needs our help," Jughead stated. " Are you in?" He held out a knife.

" Yeah," Callie breathed as she took the knife. They then quickly made their way over to the house next door. Jughead kicked opened the Cooper's door and they all stormed in, with their knives out and ready. Callie saw two other people, one with a box cutter.

" You think you two can take all of us?" Betty questioned. The blonde lady scoffed. " Try it."

" You brought back-up?" the woman asked. " Does that mean you want me to go to the Sheriff's start making a stink?"

" Well, that's your call but my back-up and me, we're friends with the Sheriff's son, so whose side you think he'll pick?" Betty questioned.

" The Coopers are one of the most respected families in Riverdale," Jughead informed.

" You two are just a couple of Centerville scumbags," Callie added.

" Anything that was in your car, the swamp washed away, else we'd have heard about it by now, so why don't you just grab the money and run," Betty advised. After a stare down, the blonde lady grabbed the money and left, followed out by the Serpents except for Jughead. When they left, the serpents turned to Callie as Jughead went back inside.

" The knife," Sweet Pea said as he held out his hand. Callie then handed it back to him. 

" Thanks for helping," the of the other serpents said.

" You guys got my back, and I got yours," Callie said.

" Would you like your own jacket?" Fangs asked.

" Really?" Callie asked.

" You have earned it Shortstop," Sweet Pea said. " It's only a matter of time before we can officially call you one of our own." 


The next morning Callie stood on a stage with her parents, with an umbrella. Her mom called her brother, but he did not answer.

" I think maybe we should just start," her mom suggested.

" Yeah, maybe you're right," her dad agreed.

" I am sorry, dad," Callie apologized.

" It's okay. You know, he's busy. I get it," her dad said. " At least I got my two favorite girls there though." He walked over to the podium with flashcards in hand. Ready to give his speech.

" Good afternoon. My name is Fred Andrews," her dad greeted the crowd. " And I stand before you today, a humble resident of this town to announce my candidacy for Mayor." Everyone applauded and cheered.


Later that night Callie met up with Toni, waiting for Veronica at the Lodges to go rescue to Cheryl from the Quiet Sisters of Mercy.

" Sorry, I had to wait for my parents to do bed-check," Veronica apologized. They then left the Pembrook, they met Kevin at the tunnel that leads them inside to the Quiet Sisters of Mercy.

" According to my Intel, the tunnel that leads from the main residence comes out here," Kevin informed.

" Okay. That's our way in, then," Veronica stated.

" All right, me and Kevin will stay here, while you two go rescue Cheryl," Callie instructed.

" If we're not back in 15 minutes call Sheriff Keller," Veronica advised.

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