Chapter 113

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The next morning, Callie was on the phone with Bret.

"You got me suspended," Callie stated.

"You should keep your shoes on," Bret stated.

"Not only did you get me suspended, but I have now been barred from the senior problem," Callie informed. "You are a horrible man, I even agreed to go on a date with your privileged ass!"

"It's not my fault you helped your team cheat," Bret stated.

"None of us cheated," Callie stated. "Nothing is more satisfying than rubbing your face in the ground of defeat through our own hard work."

"Is that really the way to talk to me?" Bret asked. "You did go on a date behind your boyfriend's back." Callie sighed. "Tell you what, go on another date with me and I'll have my principal talk to your principal about lifting your suspension."

"You ass," Callie grunted.

"As for prom, Stonewall's is way better," Bret stated. "Please excuse me, I have to go shove Jughead's ground in defeat once I beat him." He hung up the phone. Callie spent the next couple of hours studying, homework, and research. That all got interrupted when she got a face time call from the other person suspended.

"Betty?" Callie asked as she answered the phone, she saw Betty was at school. "I thought you were suspended."

"I am," Betty confirmed. 

"I tried to lighten up her sentence," Alice stated as she butted into the screen. "Betty has been stripped of her blue and gold duties and along barred from prom like you." Callie sighed. "But with this free time, we have something for you to help us with." Betty flipped the screen showing a murder board.

"Oh no," Callie breathed.

"No backing out of this," Betty stated. "Especially since it deals with Stonewall."

"I have some notes Sweet Pea took," Callie stated. 

"We'll come by after this," Alice stated. 

"Right now we are investigating the murder of Mr. Chipping," Betty informed.

"I thought they said suicide," Callie brought up.

"Something was sitting right, we let the case get cold," Betty informed. "But we know Bret's a total sociopath. So let's find out if he's a killer too."

"I feel Bret isn't the only one," Callie stated. 

"We'll be over soon," Betty stated, she hung ended the call. Callie ended looking more into Donna and Bret, nightfall came, Callie was over at the Jones/Smith/Cooper house. They all stared at the murder board. 

"My what a tangled web," Alice commented. "And you think this Bret character is behind it all?" 

"He's definitely the leader of the pack," Betty stated.

"I feel like he is also a pawn," Callie stated. 

"Okay. Well, where do we begin?" Alice asked. "We have missing students, evil preppies, dead writers, a teacher's suicide."

"Apparent suicide," Betty corrected. "Chipping didn't leave a note. "And even though Jughead's classmate Donna has painted a very incriminating portrait of him, after looking at these notes, I don't think she's telling the truth."

"Well, that's where we start," Alice confirmed as she walked closer to the board. "Tell me, Elizabeth and Callie, is there a Mrs. Chipping?" 

"Yes," Callie confirmed. 

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