Chapter 5

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At lunch, Callie sat with her fellow vixens. She observed everyone from Betty walking away from Archie upset to Principal Weatherbee talking to him. Later on, Callie was at her locker alone, about to head to practice when Jughead closed her locker for her.

"Juggie!" Callie gasped as she jumped.

"Did I scare you?" Jughead smirked. She glared at him. " Well I got scarier news, I think Archie is in a relationship with the music teacher." Her eyes went wide.

" How did you find this out?" Callie asked shocked as she started towards the gym.

" I was heading to go home when I passed the music room," Jughead began.

"What did you see?" She asked.

"Your twin was holding hands with Grundy and standing romantically close to each other," Jughead answered. This caused Callie to stop. " What is it?"

"Do you think she is the reason Archie cancelled on last minute on that 4th of July plans you two had?" Callie questioned.

"I don't like where this is heading," Jughead stated.

"I think Archie and Grundy were at Sweetwater River on fourth of July. I think they heard the gunshot," Callie whispered to him.

"I hope you are wrong Cal," Jughead sighed. " You should go to practice; queen chez is waiting for you."

"Text me," Callie told him.

" I haven't heard that line come out of your mouth since you and Reggie started dating," Jughead pointed out, Callie rolled her eyes at him and went to practice.


At practice, the girls formed two lines while Veronica and Callie made same moves while they walked between them.

" Stand down, Vixens, " Cheryl interrupted them as she stopped the music. " And listen up. The weather' predicting a downpour the night of the rally, but already you're raining on my parade". Callie raises her eyebrow. " Except you Callie". Callie then smiled happily. "Anyways with Jason so present in our collective consciousness, all eyes will be on me. Will this beautiful, exotic, hothouse flower drown under the town's scrutiny, or be swamped by her emotions?"

" The answer ladies is no and no," Callie answered the questions before joining Cheryl at the front. " She needs star power. She needs the Pussycats".

"Read my mind mini-me," Cheryl congratulated. " Stay loose and limber, ladies, while I make a call". With that, Cheryl walked off to go make a call. Callie decided to join Betty and Veronica for some stretching. But she didn't stretch too close so they wouldn't notice her.

"After this practice, I'll totally need a pedicure," Veronica stated. "You?"

" I'll have homework," Betty replied, trying to get out of it.

" I know everyone grieves differently," Veronica began as she stretched down to her right foot. " But Cheryl's hosting a pep rally to cope with her loss. That's either brilliant or psychotic or both".

"Yeah, well at least Cheryl's not putting on an act," Betty ranted. " Pretending she's a butterfly when really she's a wasp."

"For the record, the only reason I went into that closet with Archie was so that Cheryl wouldn't," Veronica defended herself.

"Oh, so you did it to protect me?" Betty questioned.

"Damn straight," Veronica immediately responded.

" Okay, so nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet, then?" Betty asked as she got up. Veronica and folded her arms and looked up at Betty. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You know, Archie and I were fine before you got here".

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