Chapter 99

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Soon they stood out of the bunker; the lost boys had their sticks pointed at them.

" Stand down lost boys," Ethel demanded. " The Red Hair Princess and The Hellcaster are on our side, and they've come bearing good news. Our quest is complete.

" Where's Rickey?" Callie asked as she scanned the boys.

" He just took off," the of the boys answered.

" He's probably reporting back to the Gargoyle King and the Black Hood," Jughead suspected.

" Jack?" Ethel asked. " Where's Jack?"

" He went back to the bus to get his carving knife," the boy answered.

" We can't leave Jack behind," Ethel insisted as she turned to the other two. " He's the youngest."

" We'll find them," Callie assured as Jughead sighed. 

" He's never gonna trust you on your own," Ethel warned.

" Well, then, come on," Jughead ordered, they set off to the junkyard to find Jack the Adventure Scout.


" Jack?" Ethel called out as they walked around the junkyard. " Jack?" She looked back at the other two. " Maybe he's on the bus." She opened the bus doors; they climbed on the same bus that Fp showed them a while back. " Jack, are you here?" A boy popped up suddenly.

" I can't find my knife," Jack informed.

" Okay, I'll get you a new one, but right now we have to go right now," Ethel said.

" Why'd you bring the Red Hair Princess and the Hellcaster?" Jack asked.

" It's okay; you can trust them," Ethel assured. Jughead rubbed his shoulder as they heard the sound of metal scrapping. Callie looked out the window to see a man in all black appearing...It was the Black Hood.

" Get down, right now," Callie ordered as Jughead shoved them all down.

" Shh," Jughead ordered as he put a hand over Ethel's mouth. " Don't say another word." Soon there were more metal scraping sounds, and soon on the bus. The Black Hood pounded on the hood of the old bus.

" Go, go, go, go," Callie ordered as she ushered everyone to the back.

" Get the back door. Back door!" Jughead shouted as he put Callie in front of him. Ethel lifted the emergency handle, but the door wasn't opening.

" It won't budge!" Ethel panicked.

" Ethel, open the back door," Jughead ordered as he watched the main bus door.

" It won't budge!" Ethel shouted.

" Ethel, open the door!" Jughead shouted. 

" God!" Ethel shouted as the Black Hood stepped on to the bus.

" Move, move," Callie ordered as she pushed Ethel to the side. She kicked it a couple of times before it could open.

"We gotta go," Ethel told Jack as she helped him off the bus.

" Go!" Jughead and Callie shouted as the Black Hood made his way down the bus aisle. They all got off, Jughead closed the back door, Callie raced over to the front and closed those doors, she held her back against it.

" He's going to the front!" She heard Ethel shout.

" Step forward," Jughead said as he picked up a pipe, Callie stepped forward as Jughead slid the tube through the door handles.

" That's not gonna hold him," Ethel said. " We have to go." They ran far away from the junkyard as fast as they could.

Callie gets home to find her mom and Archie getting ready to leave the house.

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