Chapter 122

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They now only had one week of high school left, it was now the morning after prom. Once again, Sweet Pea and Callie were asleep in his trailer when they got woken up to the sound of someone knocking on his door.

"Can you get this time?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Yeah," Callie agreed as she sat up. The person knocked even more. "Coming!" Her phone started to ring. 

"I got the phone, you get the door," Sweet Pea groaned as he sat up as Callie went over to the door. She opened the door to Hiram standing there.

"Mr. Lodge?" Callie asked, she looked back at Sweet Pea, he was in shock.

"It's Jughead," Sweet Pea answered before returning to the phone call. 

"Where is your brother?" Hiram asked.

"What?" Callie asked.

"Why aren't you at home comforting my daughter?" Hiram asked.

"Is she not feeling well?" Callie asked.

"Don't play dumb with me Andrews," Hiram growled. "I know that you know that Archie kissed Betty."

"What?" Sweet Pea asked coming to the door. "What are you talking about?" Hiram stared at the two.

"You really don't know?" Hiram asked."Didn't you go home after prom?"

"No, I came straight here," Callie answered. "Mr. Lodge, why don't you go find my brother and confront him about this instead of his sister?" 

"Right," Mr. Lodge nodded. "Sorry for disturbing you." He turned to leave, Callie closed the door. 

"So Betty and Archie kissed," Sweet Pea gathered. "Does Jones know?"

"We should let them handle, this is their mess," Callie said. "Archie...shame on him."

"Maybe we should say something," Sweet Pea suggested. 

"I feel like the truth will be wiggled out on its own," Callie said. "What a dreadful way to end the senior year, and high school altogether. What did Jughead have to say?"

"He and Betty are swinging by to pick you up," Sweet Pea said slowly. "Going up to see Bret for information about the Auteur." Callie sighed. 

"One night off, and there's someone at the door and on the phone in the morning," Callie stated. "I am so sorry."

"I don't mind," Sweet Pea admitted. "I like being part of it." 

"You do?" Callie asked tilting her head.

"It truly makes us partners," Sweet Pea smiled looking away.

"Partners," Callie repeated as she looked at the floor smiling. "There's another dreadful thing."

"What?" Sweet Pea asked looking at her,

"You haven't kissed me this morning yet," Callie stated, looking at him. 

"That can be fixed," Sweet Pea smiled again, they kissed. 

Callie was now walking into the prison with Jughead and Betty, she was silent most of the time, knowing what happened between her brother and Betty.

"Hi," Callie greeted. "We're here to see Bret Weston Wallis."

"I'm sorry, he's no longer here," the officer said. 

"What do you mean? Where is he?" Jughead asked. 

"Earlier this morning, he was found dead in his cell with multiple wounds," the officer answered. "An ambulance took his body to the morgue."

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