-Lavender- Won Won

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Your girl Claudia is free from school for a week, so I'll probably upload a few oneshots next week!

'Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!' The crowd chanted. Ron made the Quidditch team and because of him, Gryffindor won. I'm standing next to my friend, Lavender.
'Should I do it?' She asks me. I look at her in confusion.
'I don't know what you're going to do, but if you ask me if you ask me if you should do it. Always do it.' I smirk. My brothers Fred and George taught me that.

She nods and steps forward. She taps my twin brother Ron on his shoulder and she kisses him. My heart drops. I didn't expect her to do that. I look at Hermione, I knew about her crush on my brother, even before she knew it. She looks just as shocked and sad as I do. We lock eyes for a split second and she leaves. I turn back around to look at Ron and Lavender one more time and run after Hermione.

'Hermione wait!' I yell. 'Please! Please wait...' I hear soft sobs coming from the staircase. I stop running and walk over to her. 'Shhh, it's o-okay. He's an idiot.' I sit down next to her and I place my arm around her. She leans into my touch and she places her head on my shoulder. As I'm holding her I feel tears pricking in my own eyes.

Why am I so sad, I thought that I was over my crush on her... I get lost in my thoughts, but Hermione pulls me out of them. The tears started to fall down and I guess that she felt it, since she's currently wiping my tears.

'Hey, are you okay Y/n?' She asks between sobs. I nod my head. 'No, you're not. Why don't we go to our dorm and have a girls night to forget those two.' I give her a sad smile, we stand up and go to our dormitory.


'Where is he? Where's my Won Won?' Lavender asks as she enters the hospital wing. 'Has he been asking for me?' I'm sitting next to Ginny, across of Hermione. She slowly caresses his hand. 'What is she doing here?' Lavender pants as she look at Hermione.

'I might ask you the same question!' Hermione stands up.
'I happen to be his girlfriend!' Lavender states, I feel a sharp pain in my chest, but decide to ignore it.
'I happen to be his f- friend...'
'Don't make me laugh! You haven't spoken in weeks.'

'Lavender, please. This isn't the time to argue-' I start, but she ignores me.
'I suppose you want to make up with him, now that he's suddenly all interesting!'
'He's been poisoned you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him quite interesting.'
'Hermione, please don't call her a di-' I again, get ignored and cut off, this time by Ron himself.

He stirs a bit in his sleep and he mumbles something. No one hears what he said.
'Ha! You see. He senses my presence!' Lavender states proudly. 'Don't worry Won Won! I'm here.'

He again mutters something, but we can still not understand him. Ginny, Hermione and I look at each other.
'Herm.... Ny..' He mumbles. My eyes widen and I look at Hermione, she looks clueless. 'Oh, Hermione...' Hermione looks just as shocked as I do right now. Lavender begins to sob and she runs away.

'Lavender wait!' I yell. I let go of my brothers hand. 'You guys take care of him, I'm going to take care of his girlfriend.' They nod in agreement and I run after Lavender. She's sitting on the staircase, sobbing into her own hands.

'Lavender?' I say softly, she looks up at me, with red, teary eyes.
'H-Hi Y/n.' She sniffles. I sit down next to her and I wipe away a few tears.
'Do you want to talk about it?' I ask her, she looks at me and nods her head.

'I-I just don't understand. I gave him everything,' She starts, I grab her hand and place it in mine. I stroke it softly. 'What does she have that I don't?' She cries.
'Lavender, listen to me. Ron is an idiot. He's a nice guy, he just always had something for her. I thought it went away, but apparently it didn't. I'm really really sorry. I can beat him up for you if you want!' I exclaim, a small smile plays on her lips.
'You don't have to do that. It's fine.' She says, as she wipes away a tear.

I bring her hand up to my lips and place soft kisses on all of her knuckles, while keeping eye contact with her. Her cheeks grow redder my every kiss and by the last one, she pulls her hand away.

'I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.' I say to her. Her lips part, she's about to say something, but I stop her.

'Look Lavender, I have to confess something.'
'What is it?'
'I've known you for so long and-' She cuts me off.
'You're not going to drop me just like your brother, right?' She sobs. I take her hand in mine again. I sweetly stroke my thumb across her hand.

'No, I wasn't planning to do that. I was going to say that you're my best friend, but it just hurts. It hurted seeing you with my brother. From the moment you kissed him, till the moment you came running to him in the hospital wing. It all hurted. It hurted me to see you cry, about something stupid he said. It hurted to see you smile, about something funny he said. Lavender, what I'm trying to tell you is that-'
'I love you.' She finishes my sentence. I look up at her.

'May I confess something as well?' I nod my head. 'I thought that if I became Ron's girlfriend, I could forget you. Obviously it didn't work, he looks too much like you. I-I thought that if I fell in love with him, I could get over you. And while I did started to get feelings for him, it was more in a friendship way. Not in the way I feel about you.' She explains. I feel a smile beginning to play on my lips.

'Can- Can I kiss you?' I ask her, she smiles at me and nods her head. We both lean in, our lips touch and they move in sink. I feel sparks all through my body. I place my hand on her thigh and my other one holds her hand. She places her arm around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I can't help but smile into the kiss.

'Are you okay Ron?' I hear Hermione say.
'Hermione that is the 27th time you've asked that! Yes, I'm fine! Madam Pomfrey made me feel all better!' He chuckles. 'What the bloody hell is going on?' He exclaims as they see Lavender and I. We pull away from each other and I look at Ron. I stamd up and place my hands on his shoulders.

'I stole your girl!' I yell and I run away.

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