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Destiny is a thing attached to us the moment we're in this world for the first time, the moment air enters our lungs filling us with the desire to hold on tight to this magnificent yet chaotic place we call universe.

The destiny wanted them to met, because it knew they both needed it.

Those two needed each other.

It's been a couple of years since her life has taken a "normal" path; something she desired at a pretty young age, but deep down she knows it sounds egotistic to only care about yourself when having the force and the opportunity to care about others, about the ones you keep safe in your heart, pain and love are unavoidable, inevitable, unforgivable after all.

A life without emotions even if they're bad ones shouldn't be called a life at all.

She knows that perfectly.

Hopefully she had several people helping her since very young, teaching her, loving her.

The moment she was finally sixteen she was already a well trained sorcerer and that didn't pass under the table.

He saw her potential.

Two years avoiding a certain email has come to an end, Y/N finally decided to answer the email and fill up the Jujutsu High form that was sent by Satoru Gojou several months ago.


Actually, he kept sending the same damn email twice each month, which didn't bother her since she barely checks up on Gmail.

Y/N has been trained by her parents at a young age until they deceased; ever since that she has trained on her own, despite what people might think by her quiet and aloof appearance, she's quite tough when it comes to fight, she just doesn't like to brag about it, but rather show it when it's needed.

Gojo is clearly aware of that, but he knows she can master her technique and be an outstanding Sorcerer, it makes senses all the spam notifications on her phone, but then again is also him just teasing her.


The sun shining over Jujutsu High was refreshing, not too hot so the students could wander around on the gardens and just relax. Two first years were chatting about pop culture while the third one was just sitting under a tree reading a book.

"So? What did I got?!" Asks the pink haired boy impatient and nervous looking at his caramel haired classmate

"It says that the girl of your dreams and you will meet soon" says the girl holding her phone reading the Pop Quiz, her classmate starts giggling in excitement and she can help but snort "Where do you think you'll meet her? A Cafe? Nah, that's too cliché" she notices her friend is not listening to her and the third boy notices the silence

"Itadori?" Asks the raven haired boy and realizes that his friend is looking at the building "What happened?"

"It's Gojo Sensei, but who's behind him?" Whispers Itadori enough for the two of his classmates to hear, making them look to the building too

Gojo Sensei is walking by to a room with a person behind him, their presence is serene almost like they know the place beforehand. One of the classmates stood up and Itadori looks to her

"Kugisaki, are you alright?" Itadori stands up too putting a hand on her left shoulder startling her

"Is that a new student?" Says Kugisaki, the three of them didn't notice the unknown person was wearing the school uniform until now. Gojo and the person already entered a room, making it impossible for the three to recollect more information.

None of their senpais where close to ask about information so they just had to wait and see if the new student was going to be introduced sooner or later, however Itadori and Kugisaki were already curious about it unlike the ravenette who decided to keep on reading his novel.

"I'm gonna text Maki" says Kugisaki blasting her fingers on her phone at the speed of light, Itadori on the other hand is looking at the screen hoping for the green haired girl to reply the text.

No way she's already there! Tell her I say hi!

"So they know each other?" Itadori speaks to himself aloud and Kugisaki shrugs "Maki-san sounded excited, tho-"

A blast sound is heard in the entire High School, Principal Yaga is sent through the air landing close to the three students, a figure jumps towards them completely dressed in a black tunic.

Itadori runs to Mr. Yaga to check on him but he's already passed out, Kugisaki starts fighting the creature who knocked out their superior and the ravenette is making figures with his hands, he's about to summon a Shikigami until the creature reaches him rapidly and grabs his wrists causing him to flinch. For a brief moment the creature takes a few steps back without hurting him, he just stares in confusion until he suddenly shivers at the fact that he doesn't feel his hands anymore.

Kugisaki and Itadori keeps fighting but so far none of them had gotten to lay a single hit, the creature moving so effortlessly to their movements feels like some sort of joke, as if this whatever it was; was making fun of them. It took a low kick on Itadori's leg to make him whine by the sudden cramp, but it refused to hit Kugisaki instead, it did the same movement with the Shikigami student. The three of them unable to move in less than five minutes.

Itadori was screaming in pain and decided to move with his other leg, making the unknown figure to kick him four more times in different spots, Itadori now groaning on the floor feeling useless staring at his classmate

"What is going on?!" Screams in agony and anger, his blood boiling staring at that hideous thing in front of the four just like it was nothing "Fushiguro are you alright?!"

Fushiguro was standing still, looking at his hands in horror, the poor boy was shivering at the thought of being unable to summon his Shikigamis again, he didn't feel a thing as if his hands were ripped out of his limbs, he tried so hard to move a single finger but nothing was happening.

"I think that's enough, right?" says Gojo walking to the garden eating an onigiri "That was a beautiful fight, if I can call it like that"

"Yeah, I guess" Mr. Yaga stands up, Itadori looks at him in confusion and the other two do the same.

What the hell is going on?

"It's been a while since the last time we met so the Principal wanted to see if her skills were still the same, but we're impressed by what we just saw, right?" Gojo smiles and gun-fingers Mr. Yaga

"I certainly am, fast and quick thinker. But I also want to apologise to the three of you for being used"

"USED?!" says Kugisaki and Itadori in unison, Fushiguro sighs and sits on the grass

"I promised for now that it won't happen again" replies Gojo in his joyful voice

"I also want to apologise" the black tunic is removed and Itadori's eyes widen "I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you".

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now