Chapter 32

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It is easy to say that you do not care about people's opinions and that their expectations are not your concern because it's your life and not theirs; but humans should be aware on how strong and deadly words can be, especially the mean intentions that some sentences can hide.

When people make fun of things they just should not

"I was just joking"

Words that are stuck in the heart and manifest in the darkest ways when the person is alone.

Sometimes we wish people had more empathy and rethink their words and actions before doing them.

Maybe that's why some of us isolate and close ourselves to the world, because they cannot hurt us if we don't say or show anything, right?

Hiding is better than exposing ourselves and getting hurt by them.

And let's not get started when we want to talk about our problems but we've been distancing ourselves from our beloved ones and our feelings that we think we're just a burden, that our problems are not worth to be talked about.

So how could someone force a person or know when a person feels bad when they don't talk in the first place?

It's a vicious cycle that most of us can't escape that easy.

Emotionally, Y/N seemed to be doing fine; she tried to believe that the wound was already healed, Toge would often check up on her in his own way after noticing the girl he shared a familiar bond didn't enjoy the idea on talking about her problems out loud.

Every time they used to hang out the boy would notice how her sister's lips curled downward when a family spent time in public with their kids, the nostalgic feeling of being hugged, the kisses in the forehead, the inner jokes, even the stupid fights; she deep down knew there was something that neither her adoptive family nor Inumaki's parents could give her and she would make it hers.

She truly missed her family and the warm and cozy sensation when someone arrived to their home, greeting everyone, speaking about their day, cuddling their pets.

Yes, Toge Inumaki was her brother, she saw him as her old brother but whenever she spent time with his parents there was a line that she didn't feel comfortable on crossing. The boy knew that perfectly so his approaches were slow but steady yet unfortunately with no succeed.

And just like Y/N didn't like to talk about her mourning, she didn't like to talk about her feelings or love interests; not because she didn't trust her brother but no matter how hard she tried she could not bring herself to speak, it was impossible for her to find the proper words.

The perfect speech in her brain but the words couldn't come out of her mouth.

The students were doing their thing after Gojo dismissed them, telling them to be ready if a superior called them for their missions with the sorcerer that was going to supervise them in the exorcising process. The second years took this as an opportunity to train; Maki challenged Panda to a sparring session while the white haired boy will judge the outcome.

Itadori, Kugisai and Fushiguro wanted to train as well so they neared to an open space after the caramel haired girl praised Itadori's speed when they encountered the curses from Yasohachi Bridge.

Y/N was with them but she denied the offer, saying that she felt a little tired.

Itadori and Kugisaki understood their friend's reasons and proceed to test their speed with the help of two of Fushiguro's shikigamis.

However, the noirette noticed that something was happening to his classmate, but didn't know how to start a conversation with her or how to approach her, scared to push her further with his words.

After all, this was new to him and for someone that just had said he had a sibling months later of knowing his classmates, of course he understood if Y/N wasn't going to share her thoughts. It made him nostalgic nonetheless.

He wanted to wrap his arms around her and let her know everything was going to be okay, but he couldn't; he couldn't make a promise that had so much weight and the guilt if he ever not keep it.

She didn't say a thing and that was enough for him to notice that there was something going on.

He did the best he could do in a situation like that.

Watching the other two sparring with his shadow creatures, Fushiguro walked behind Y/N and maybe her thoughts were too much because she didn't notice him until she felt a hand at her back and once she flinched realizing he was right there; he proceeded to move it back and forth.

"I'm here", he said now next to her with a soft tone in his stoic features.

She blinked a few times not breaking the eye contact.

"I'm right here" he whispered, his eyes softened and his eyelashes looked longer, coursing his fingers slowly against her back and moving them gently until they reached her shoulder, squeezing it a little.

It's easy to say that people's opinions don't affect you than admitting they're destroying you..

No one can understand how heavy a person is until they carry them yet alone how heavier someone feels when they sum-up all the burdens. Every bone, every muscle, every inch of flesh and adding the pressure of existence, the fear of failing, the mistakes someone's made.

It's too much for some of us.

We need to talk about them; but saying it is easier than doing it.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now