Chapter 19

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"Look, another sunflower just bloomed!" said the mother pointing out to the flower so the little girl could see.

"It's really big, like the sun" the small feet walking to get a closer look "Can I take care of it?".

"It's yours darling, it's part of our family now" the woman's hand reaching to her daughter's hair, caressing it with so much love and compassion.

The girl's face lit up in happiness until she furrowed her eyebrows a little confused.

"Can it be a family member even if it's a plant?" asked the daughter, her eyes looking at the magnificent creature of mother nature moving slowly with the wind.

"Everything that you treasure and take care of it's your family, it's part of who you are. For the heart, things like that are not an impediment" the mother smiled to the garden, looking at all the types of plants they had "Our differences are just our clothing, is the living being that matters. Family does not gatekeep colors, sizes, species; we are all connected".

Heart doesn't care about looks, when that bonding is born; it will stay. Just like a plant; each person requiring different types of care, some will need more than the others but the bonding will never break away.

It was just like that cold day in winter, she met that boy, he was shy and a little clumsy; hiding half his face which she thought it was because of the snow, the poor kid not knowing how to tell her he couldn't even introduce himself properly, so scared to hurt her with his words accepting the pain himself at the fact of not being able to make a single friend.

"Everyone is family?" she asked a little confused not even minding that she worded the question wrong.

"And everything" she leaned to her daughter's head and kissed it, connecting their foreheads making the girl smiled at the show of affection "Even if you feel like it's fading away in time, Y/N. You just need to look".

Even if the bloodline fades away with the memories, when eyes and hearts are fully and wide open is when the truth let's itself be seen at its finest; friends, pets, the sun, the moon, the ocean, the wind, everything changing and staying the same, they never left at all.

Family only gets bigger.

And it got bigger the day she understood her mother's words, her wiseness and love. That day she knew her clan never left at all, she could hear them in the lullabies they used to sing to the newborns, their smell in the meals she prepared, in the things she learned from them and kept doing over the course of time.

The day she let Inumaki in to her life.

Difficult at first, he would sometimes distance himself from her so he wouldn't be a burden, scared that deep down she hated him for not having the chance to have a proper conversation. Remembering how kids would just ignore him, pretending he didn't existed and getting to the point he started to believe it as well.

She never left his side, he was her family and little by little she also became his.

Words weren't necessary anymore, just another mean of communication that wasn't needed every moment. He felt welcome, the little girl he once thought that saw him just like the rest of the world was looking at him with kind eyes, with a kind heart that he thought only existed in books.

He promised himself to protect those kind eyes that never doubted him, not even when he would try to be away from her for her safety. Sacrificing his happiness and one of the only friends he made at that moment.

He accepted their differences and after that the weight on his shoulders got lifted.

Because that's what a family does.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now