Chapter 4

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It's been five minutes since Fushiguro and Y/N fell in the hole the cursed spirit create, trapping them under the forest, both have only some scratches that will heal in a couple of days so it was nothing to worry about. However, the big problem was that there was no light making the curse energy the only source to illuminate the small space with low levels of oxygen.

Fushiguro now making friction with his hands in order to warm them looked where he assumed Y/N was, a couple of feet away from him; the boy stretched his right leg until he reached Y/N's leg making her move it. This was a dangerous scenario, both of them didn't spoke a single word, they knew they had to treasure the little amount of air.

For a brief moment the ravenette was about to lose his mind, every idea he had in his mind ended in either both of them severely injured or dead, the space was too small for him to called a Shikigami, the cave might collapsed over them crushing their bodies, the coldness was making him shiver and he was having a hard time to control his hands in the first place.

Suddenly his eyes traveled forward, an endless void surrounding him, the only ray of company he had was the subtle noise Y/N was making with every breath traveling the oxygen in and out from her lungs.

He remembered he had his cellphone, finally some light to check where were they. The cave was the size of a small bathroom but high enough for him to stand up, he watched his phone carefully and notice the lack of signal which meant they were several feet underground making it impossible to communicate to their classmates.

Whatever this cursed spirit was doing it was extremely dangerous, did it do the same to the other people? Did it kill them? Or this was just a thread because it's smart enough to know this kids are sorcerers? His mind was running miles and he was starting to feel dizzy so he decided to sit again, the light of his phone facing Y/N, she was sitting with her head pointing to the ground and her hands resting on the floor, it made her look as if she was sleeping or already passed out.

"I'm sorry" was the only words Fushiguro said, but what was he apologizing about? And why? Is he feeling guilty for now being faster to reality what was going on? Guilt for not being able to help her? Right now the Curse Technique he spent years on mastering to help the people he cared for was a death sentence. He felt hopeless, shutting his eyes and covering his faces with his hands. "I don't know what to do".

It might have passed a minute until a voice resonated in that hell of a void.

"They're fighting it" Y/N said softly, Fushiguro's phone had the flashlight on, their eyes met and for a second he did his best on not looking scared

"What do you mean?" Fushiguro asked quietly saving oxygen, his body now relaxed for not being alone

"I can sense Itadori-san and Kugisaki-san, or that's what I like to believe. Whatever is up there it's moving fast and playing tag". Y/N looked at her gloves and removed them, the ravenette's eyes traveled to her hands and noticed a seal, with no doubt the L/N seal. "Here".

"Wh-" Y/N handed him her gloves making Fushiguro blink twice, he shook his head declining the offer but she insisted "What about you?" he asked as he took the gloves and wore them; feeling the warmth her hands left inside.

"I'm fine, but your heartbeat is unsteady and your shivering" Fushiguro flinched, how did she know his heartbeat wasn't working properly?

Y/N stood up and walk to Fushiguro's right side of the cave and placed her hands there, touching the cold earth, shutting her eyes and holding her breath for twenty seconds approximately, the ravenette watched her carefully and was impressed by the amount of concentration the moment her head dropped slowly.

"There are movements from above at 100ft at the southwest, probably our classmates fighting the spirit, we can't make our way up because might ended up with a collision so our only way is to move forward".

"You mean like a mole?" Fushiguro stood up and walked next to her to look at her face, the phone wasn't as bright as the sun, but he could notice her features pretty well.

"Yes" she looks at her hands again "My family's seal placed on my hands infuse my touch with curse energy allowing me to move, dissolve, fuse disassemble anything, it's the Cursed Matter" Y/N smiles at the confused Fushiguro in front of her "If I can place my hands in front of my face and make this portion of earth move, we might find our way to the surface but we still face the possibility of this cave collapsing".

The ravenette boy nods, his Ten Shadow Technique won't work here, their only way to scape this hell is with her help, not that he refuses to take it but he has no purpose right now, he's only a burden at the moment. If he wasn't there she could just move the matter in front of her face and run forward not minding if rocks start falling behind her, but he was here too making it harder for her.

"Fushiguro-san" Y/N's words helped him to stop spacing out, her eyes giving him a reassuring look, comforting him "I'm scared too" his heart stopped, was he that obvious? "But the fear makes us aware of the dangerous possibilities, I'd rather be scared and careful than being careless and suddenly dead. I'm here" those words calmed him even if he had his so common resting face, his expression softened.

"I have two things to ask you, Fushiguro-san" Y/N said now facing the wall of the cave with her hands spread on it.

"Tell me" whispered the boy

"Hold on tight" said the girl signaling the hood of her uniform that was in front of him "And move forward".

Fushiguro now holding Y/N's hood was aware of what was about to happen, they had no other option, it was so simple.

They just had to run together.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now