Chapter 18

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Teen Love is weird.

No, people make love be weird.

When people start liking someone else they seem to want to know everything, but they always start with the basic ones which are their likings and they completely forgot the tiniest details that could give them some help if they know if the other one is interested.

He, Fushiguro; was so in his world focused on reaching the girl's standards that he barely thought about saying a damn thing.

He was willing to let himself be killed by the girl he likes just because he couldn't let himself talk about his emotions.

Are all the boys like this too?

No wonder the poor girl didn't notice his intentions until now.

Y/N wasn't a talktive person, she was so far from being a social butterfly but there was something that drag her to interact with people and it was her personality, shy but kind in a messy way she would always be in social meetings or gatherings because despite being an introvert; she truly treasures her friendships

Quality, not quantity

So when she met the Shikigami user she noticed the same "just because we're introverts doesn't mean we don't like to hang out with people. We're just picky". It was something that she likes about him; because he couldn't lie, his heart wouldn't allow himself to do such atrocity.

She liked that about him.

You can like several things about someone and not being attracted amorously, so at first she thought her feelings were just platonic because they developed slowly in those two weeks. It's normal, it's completely normal.

Attractiveness was just an extra, she never minded, she never put that first. People can be handsome and still be a pain in the ass, she knew that perfectly.

What she never thought was that the boy had feelings for her, they were messy, confusing, in constant movement, like an extrovert with a caffeine overdose and chocolate, endless, noisy and annoying. His complete opposite.

But those feelings despite the supernova they made, they were honest.

His confession was like that, his other side was like that. She liked it nevertheless.

He just had to talk, geez..

What an awkward afternoon.

After Y/N offered herself to go to the infirmary with him; the tension between them two disappeared, both bodies relaxed trying to hold the sanity that for a few minutes seemed gone in that room; opening that door revealing a perplexed Itadori outside of the room by all the tantrum.

Itadori's eyes were begging to ask what the heck happened there but after hearing everything and by that I include the shikigami user's body hit something solid, of course he would be afraid to his death if he asked the wrong question to the girl in front of her.

Y/N takes no shit from people, the one's she cares for being the least. Her patience is enormous but is not infinite and Fushiguro crossed it that day.

"I'm taking him to Shoko before he says something else" she grinned at the pink haired whom glanced to Fushiguro.

"It's okay" he replied eyes downcast.

Itadori let that moment go after noticing the boy's reaction, he wasn't mad and he was acting way better than before so hopefully they were already in good terms.

Not like Itadori didn't hear everything, though.

"Alright, get well soon then" Itadori nervously chuckle scratching his neck, looking at the so weird couple walk away.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now