Chapter 36

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My parents loved their garden.

They took care of that small portion of land with their life and just like me, their only daughter; I was their pride as well.

My father would spent hours meditating around the carnations, even under the rain his body never betrayed him to any illness, I was somewhat curious about the reason of his activities but whenever I asked him to why he meditated the same words came out of his mouth.

"I'm thinking about our family"

As innocent as a child would be, I started to join my father during his activities among the wine red flowers. My body sitting on the ground as my hands resting on my knees.

I loved the serenity

I loved spending time with him

Ever since I shared that moment with my father he would smile during the entire session.

"Can you feel it?" He said eyes closed "There's a butterfly on your right"

Amusement in my small eyes as I shifted my body to the side and meet the insect which was two feet away from me, dancing over the carnations.

"Dad, how did you notice it?" I asked tilting my head to the side

His eyes opened and met mine, no matter how many questions I asked he never stopped smiling at me. He liked my curiosity and my desire to know everything, as if it was my most precious feature.

Yet he never gave me a straightforward answer, because that would feel like cheating my curious spirit and my wish to discover things on my own.

"I just did" his gracious smile drawing on his face.

What people thought it was avoidance for me it was encouragement.

To never embrace conformity but get out of my comfort.

He knew the moment I gave up on looking for answers would be the moment I'd be dead spiritually.


The passengers were humming and talking to themselves, some of them waking up from their two hour nap, a few kids playing on their smartphones while some businessmen were still on their laptops.

The environment was somewhat uncomfortable for Y/N as she felt trapped in a cage with foreign faces and too many noises from different sources, even if she was already used to live in the city, there was something about being surrounded by strangers that always made her feel odd.

Probably the weird sensation brought back the memories of how of an alien she felt wherever she went, how quiet of a kid she became once she was separated by her family.

So the best option for her inside the bullet train was to sleep, recharging her stamina for what was going to happen in the next three days and avoid socializing at all.

Yes, Todo had explained to her that this was not only her mission but also to train, after all; it was crucial for a sorcerer to get used to different places and to take advantage of their surroundings.

Little did he know it was also an important part for her cursed technique.

"Fifteen minutes before arriving to Yamagata, fifteen minutes before arriving to Yamagata" the voice in the parlor spoke tenderly.

"Hmm?" a yawn scaping her lips as she stretched out, fluttering her eyes open adjusting to the sunlight from outside.

I was dreaming again..

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now